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Hello everyone.
I'm 27 yrs old, 1,75cm tall, 87kg and 10%bf. I have been lifting weights for about 7 years and have been incorporating cycles in the last two. This will be my 4th cycle, and would like to read everyone's comments and reviews about it so that I can correct any holes in my planning or simply learn an extra thing or two.
Thank you all for your time.
My goals are to gain lean mass without holding too much excess fat or water retention by the end. Total cycle length will be 18 weeks, which includes the time off and PCT. Training 4 times a week, a 5th time if work allows it.
The cycle will consist of: Test Cyp / Sustanon 250, Primobolan, Anavar and Proviron.
Test Cyp 400mg EW Weeks 1~3
Sustanon250 500mg EW Weeks 4~12
Primobalan 200mg EW Weeks 1~12
Anavar 30mg ED Weeks 1~12
Proviron 50mg ED Weeks 3~12
2 Weeks OFF
PCT will consist of: HCG, Clomid, Nolva, HHP TBomb II (prohormones)
HCG 5000iu Week 15, 500iu ED Weeks 16~17
Clomid 100mg ED Weeks 15~16, 50mg Weeks 17~18
Nolva 20mg ED Weeks 15~18
TBombII 1 serving ED Weeks 15~18
I started out with Cyp and then jumped to Sustanon because my contact fell short on about 3 weeks supply of sustanon, hence I'm starting off with the Cyp I had in hand to compensate for the first 3 weeks.
I'm taking the proviron in order to fight some of the bloat and also to harden up a bit. I know arimidex works better for the water retention, but I wasn't able to get my hands on any in the market I'm in. It is also twice as expensive as proviron here. I can get my hands on aromasin if anyone recommends it'll work better.
I'm taking Protein shakes, glutamine, bcaas and multivitamins, along with milk thistle to aid any liver toxicity during this time.
Diet is pretty clean, which include 3 meals and 2 snacks.
Workout are Day1 Chest, Day2 Back, Day 3 Shoulders&Legs, Day 4 Arms.
PCT is based on the amount and period of test & primo used. HCG seems a bit long, maybe 2 weeks is enough? I'm doing 3 weeks simply because my last cycle I did not react much to it, meaning that testicular regrowth still took a bit longer. About 2 to 3 months for full recovery it felt.
Thanks again for taking your time to read this post. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Constructive criticism always welcome.