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my first cycle

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by , 11-10-2012 at 01:23 PM (553 Views)
stats; 19 years old 5'9 200 lbs 8-9% bf. 18 1/4 in biceps 455 lbs bench press and have been lifting weights since age 11 cause i grew up around it. ive been thinking about taking my first cycle but i am second guessing it because of my age. i know im athletically healthy enough to take them, im just worried about my age. if somebody who knows wtf they are talking about could give me some advice, id appreciate it. THANKS!


  1. BigRig691's Avatar
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    Hey buddy...Listen bro....Honestly if you are only 19 and you are that strong...Do not take steroids....It only ****s with your test levels for life...and then you'll always need them to get bigger or stronger more and more....I would say give it a few more least until your 21 or 22...and if then you feel you want to go to the next level...then go for it!,,,,but for now man...Don;t go near it...your test levels are as high now as they are ever gonna be...If u take juice now..then 5 months from now..when your off won have as much test in you r body as you do now!'ll need test always...Stay away from it bud!....use thes next 3 years to research them and learn everything u can about on cycle and off cycle and post cycle therapy and if you want to do it in 20 3 years you'll know everything and do it right!..Good luck and make the right choice!
  2. schutterbox's Avatar
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    yea def listen to bigrig i would even wait longer than 21-22 i started at your age and ruined everything for myself i get blood work done like 1nc a month now cause my levels are screaming low... if your that strong now then i def wouldn't even consider it... just eat write and eat clean... if your looking to gain eat as much as you can but just clean... solid 6 meals a day with protein sakes all the normal shit man and you'll be a brick Shit house...