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Some Cycle Advise Please

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by , 02-13-2012 at 05:00 PM (310 Views)
I am 33, training for 10 years. Third cycle. 127Kgs (280 pounds) 6ft2. Previous cycles (Sust 250, Decca- 12 weeks - 6 weeks PCT / Test E 12 weeks- 6 weeks PCT)

I am looking to frontload Test prop 100 for 14 days at 1ml per day, combined with test E 250 2ml per week. (First 14 days)
Then on day 14 stop test prop, take decca 100 instead 2.5ml per week, still with Test E 250 upto 3ml per week and 4 dianabol tabs per day for another 8 weeks- total cycle 10 weeks.

Followed by PCT 6 weeks.

Diet is clean 4-5 meals a day depending on work. Approx 400-500 gms of protein, approx 400-500 gms carbs, creatine, BCAA's, multi vit, Vit e, 1000mg of vit c.
Occasional KFC blowout- maybe once a month.

Whats others opinions on this cycle format and the frontloading of prop. Is 100ml per day too much and should i swap it to EOD.

Should I keep my test E250 level constant throughout the cycle or start at 2ml per week building to 3 then 4 at mid cycle then gradually reduce to two for last 2 weeks before going on prop for the final 14 days..

I have done alot of research, read alot of forums. Im no scientist, i understand short and long esther theories and how to take advantage of this and also the importance of PCT to hold gains and restore natural test function.

Just wanted some input to this cycle format and any improvements or adjustments to make the best out of my cycle.


Updated 02-13-2012 at 06:07 PM by Mechxsoundwave

