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Phil Heath

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by , 11-18-2007 at 12:55 PM (3733 Views)
He looks like he is putting on alot of size... Thoughts ???



  1. Amorphic's Avatar
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    looks like his wheels need a ton of work still to catch up with the rest of him
  2. buffgator's Avatar
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    fantastic, I new the name, but payed no attention to him. Then seemingly over night he doubles in size. It for sure caught my attention when you had him in your avie.
  3. Merc..'s Avatar
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  4. dupminxhere's Avatar
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    Idk - all I know is that chick is hot
  5. sorel_C's Avatar
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    this guy i think will definatly be dominating soon enough.
  6. PEWN's Avatar
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    gh gut .... hmmm love it ..
  7. Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    He didnt even use gear until he competed. And the cycles that he does run are in very small amounts and odd (uses primo and winny w/ very little to no test).
  8. Merc..'s Avatar
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    I read that JTS .... He is going to kick ass..
  9. *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Hes one Big Mo-Fo. Id kill for a pair of arms like his!
  10. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Yea El-D , he is getting huge .. major improvements..
  11. InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    His arms are bigger than her head ... He's really blown up