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Being Obese.

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by , 10-06-2008 at 02:26 PM (819 Views)
I am currently a big guy. 298 @ 5'10 I was 347 when I decided to take a change and start loosing some weight. This was in Feb of this year and so far I have gone down to 298.

It’s not easy at all to loose weight. Some of you who know me will know what I am about to say.

I have been trying since Feb. of this year to loose weight. I have done research over research of meal plans and shit like that. I have tried every single meal plan that I can come across here.... and trust me its hard as fawk to loose weight. I have no thyroid problem or nothing like that. My doctor has done the entire test that you can think of to see if why I can’t loose weight and he says that everything comes out good and that I am just a "healthy big guy"

I have tried:
Diet Pills- All the ones that you can think of that are sold in stores I have tried them.

Mexican natural diets- Consist of different herbs and plants and roots and shit.

Red pills- I have tried the common ones that your doctor can give you.

Lean meal diets- the boxed meals that are suppose to be for lean people.

Word of mouth diets- self explained. Diets- diets that have been posted in this site.

I have tired all that.

Nothing above worked for me, the only thing that has worked is the following:

Low cal diet - its works for a month after a month all of the weight that I have lost will be gained back.

High protein/ low carb (keto diet) - It has worked lost 11 lbs in one week.

the famous (cutting diet) from the cutting diet sticky- Lost 10 lbs but gained 20 lbs after two months of doing it.

So there you have it I have tried every single thing that I have researched and come across.

Trust me is an addiction just as hard if not harder than a drug addiction. There are days that I just don’t see any results and I just want to throw it all away and just forget about it, but why I have lost so far 50 LBS why am I going to just give up. Trust me there are days that I just want to sleep in and just forget about doing my cardio and shit like that. It really gets frustrating that you see other people who are not doing as much work as you are to loose weight yet there weight just melts down and shit within a few weeks of dieting and doing mild to no exercise at all. That is the thing that gets to me the most and it just makes me stop and think if what I am doing is really worth all the money time and even friendships that I had to sacrifice to get to a goal that at the moment seems that it might never come true.

Yes a lot of you will say its hot hard to loose weight but why because you have never been obese your whole life. So therefore you don’t see why it would be logical that it would be so hard for US obese people to loose weight. Do you really think that an obese person would like to live like that? You guys have no idea how much it hurts and how much mental damage it does to someone when they see the latest trends in style and they know that the clothes will not fit. Its self killing just as much as it is when you go out to the store or you go out to a social place with people and instead of being looked at as a regular human being you get looked at like if you were a freak or something different from everybody else just because we don’t have the V shaped body or a size 0 waist. That kind of stuff just makes US obese people feel unwelcomed and it just gets out already miniature ego to get even smaller. That’s why most people will opted to just stay home and sit in front of a TV or a computer screen because they will not judge or give US the kind of looks that people will give us. A lot of people will think that we just sit in the kitchen all day and just stuff out mouths of food 24/7 and nothing else. But what they don’t know is that most of the time obese people will eat the same amount if not less than someone who is physically fit and who works out like robot.

I am not trying to say that being obese is right and that people who are obese should be left alone. What I am saying that you have to see that there are various factors that play into a person being obese. Yes I do understand there are a percentage of people who are happy and like being obese but then there is a much higher percentage of people who are not happy being obese and that will if they heave no tried or are currently trying to do anything that is possible to loose the weight that they currently have. Therefore next time that you see someone who is obese or not “fit” to your standards don’t judge them because you never know what is the reason why they are the way they are. Like Inky says…. Live and let live after all if they are obese who cares they are not asking for you to pay for their shopping cart full of fatting food let them live the way they want to live. After all whatever happen to being unique individuals, if we were all “fit” wouldn’t this world be boring to see someone who looks just like you? If you cant stand to see an obese person then why look up pictures or videos of obese people online and post them up and make fun of them and comment about how disgusted you are from seeing that. You had the option to not look up that picture or the video and see it you were not forced.

Last thing I want to say is that, don’t say that you will never let yourself get that big because you never know what can happen you cannot predict your future so don’t think that it will never be possible for you to get that big. Another thing is that your body does change with age and just because you got your V shape body right now that you are young it doesn’t mean that you will have it when you are older. Wouldn’t it be funny that the way that you are judging and making fun of people right now that it would turn around on your and that you would be the one that people make fun of judge and insult? Just think about that the next time you want to judge someone just because they look different from you.

Updated 10-06-2008 at 02:50 PM by mex83



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