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Looking to start first cycle

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by , 08-27-2011 at 04:01 AM (778 Views)
Hi site,

New to site as I am looking to start cycling to further my gains. A bit about myself: 5ft11 200lb 11.5% body fat. Made some good size and strength gains in 6-7 years training (almost 23 age) Been using whey, casein, creatine mono, cod liver oil and multi vitamins so far. Feel like I have my training and nutrition sorted to suit me through research and trial and error over years. However starting to really struggle to put any more lean muscle or strength... Becoming a slow process at 200lb.

I have put the hours in researching about starting cycling gear. Just wondered if anyone could shed light on my proposed starter cycle.

10 weeks:
Sus250 x 2 (mon & thur) although I have heard good things about lixus labs sus 300

Dbol 30mg/day weeks 1-4

Pct 4 weeks nolvadex (3 weeks after last sus shot) 40/40/20/20. I know chlomid is sometimes used but have read alot of research that supports the use of only one or other (nolvadex being Lower dose with less sides..emotional and acne) Also going to get spare nolva for cycle in case of gymo symptoms etc.

Hcg: been advised for age and first cycle of 10 weeks this not entirely nessasry and to take one step at a time. Looking to just see how my body reacts to cycle planned. Any opinions welcome to this as a first cycle and information I have posted. Anything around sus 250 and lixus 300 would be great as the price difference is not massive
