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Spring Cycle

Steady as she goes

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by , 02-20-2009 at 05:08 PM (1006 Views)
5th injection today. No problems. Weighed in at 214.6 again last night so im holding steady for a minute here. I have extra dbol and was considering bumping up to 70mg simply because I have the extra but I know its not a good idea. Dont want to **** with your dosages but ill see how it goes.

Strength gains still coming on nicely. No acne yet, massive boners all the time tho, good sign test is starting to pick up. One odd side ive been noticing is that i feel VERY warm alot. Almost like hot flashes. Ive neglected to take my ****ing blood preasure since the start of cycle and i need to make SURE i get in and do that. Important to monitor that stuff.

Some people get into the breathing at the gym. Breath in on the way down, breath out at the top kinda thing. Sometimes I hold my breath for a few reps. Really helps strength but its not good for those with high blood preasure. At times like that in those sets I turn very red under heavy weight and after my lifts i can sometimes find dried blood at the top of the inside of my nostrils. BAD. SIGN. If tonight I find my blood preasure is WAY off ill alter my breathing patterns at the gym. Also will consider backing off dbol dosage slighty if my bp is high but will consult the board before doing so.

Need to add more carbs to the diet, feel very tired and not much energy at times. I feel GREAT in the gym however. Idk...its like our bodies see the hard work we are about to endure and throws itself at it. Pretty incredible. 2 weeks in and no gyno symptoms. I wouldnt expect them this early anyways. I have liquidex on hand for that problem if it occures. So far so good!

I am DEFINETLY losing fat. much more adominal definition. Need to go get it checked

Ive never weighed more than 215 in my life. I cant wait to shatter that.
