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advice please?

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, 08-07-2011 at 05:35 PM (934 Views)
hello, i am new at this and i just got 1 10ml vial of deca 250mg, 100 Anabol 10mg, and 1 10ml vial of testosterone-e 250mg. is this a good stack? and if so is there any suggested use. just want to do it right ill get something else if this isnt what im looking for. as much help as anyone is willing to give would be very greatly appreciated. thank you


  1. Colton's Avatar
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    I know the d-bol/test e is a good stack especially if it is your first cycle, not real sure about the Anabol though. Im assuming it is an oral which means i would probably remove that from your cycle. Orals do you little to no good, you need to stick to injectables. As for the deca and test, you've done well. For the first 2-3 weeks i would run 250mgs of both (500mgs total). After that i suggest move up to 500mgs a week of test and 400-500mgs of deca for the remainder of your cycle. You can combine the two into one shot and only have to do one injection a week as both have relatively long half-lifes. Word of caution though, do not use more deca than test. Always keep deca right at or below your test dosage as deca rapes your testosterone levels and can leave you with a limp dick. Also it is wise to have extra test on hand to run 2-3 weeks after deca has been run to ensure you have an easier transition phase back to your normal natural homone levels.
    Updated 08-10-2011 at 04:39 PM by Colton (typo)
  2. Colton's Avatar
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    Also how old are you and how much do you weigh?
  3. mtk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colton
    Also how old are you and how much do you weigh?
    thanks for the advice so far. Im 18 and i weigh 185-188 lbs. I haven't got any syringes yet, and im probably not going to start my cycle for another 2-3 weeks. So, ur saying to put the dbol and the test-e in the same syringe? and do that once a week for the first 2-3 weeks? then switch to deca and test for the remainder and also what gauge of needles do you recommend? also when im done with the dbol and deca u think i should keep using the test? what about comming off the test? i heard novaldex 20mg is good..? trying to learn everything i can by reading and through conversation with someone experienced.
  4. mtk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colton
    Also how old are you and how much do you weigh?
    also the only dbol i can get my hands on is danabol 10mg, and its oral. i guess the anabol i have is dianabol anabol 10mg but it is also oral..
  5. mtk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtk
    also the only dbol i can get my hands on is danabol 10mg, and its oral. i guess the anabol i have is dianabol anabol 10mg but it is also oral..
    i just looked it up and the active ingreedient in dianabol is Methandrostenolone which is the active ingreedient in what i have (dianabol anabol)
  6. Colton's Avatar
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    So sorry dude i meant to say deca nod dbol. Considering you are 18 you dont need to even be touching dbol, it is one of the harsher and more damaging oral steroids. it will kill your liver as any oral but even more so. Stick with the injections and yes combine the deca and test into the same syringe and do once a week injections at 500mgs (250mg for each steroid) then up it to double that at 1000mgs per week for the remainder of your cycle (It may be wise to use a little less deca than test but keep it close to the same dosage). But also like i said you may want to have some extra test on hand to run at the end of your cycle as it will keep your test levels from dropping substantially from the deca. As for syringes use 3ml syringes. These are the norm for injectable steroids and are long enough to get past fat and into the muscle tissue. They can be purchased at walgreens
  7. Colton's Avatar
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    Im 19 and i am currently about to finish up a test e/deca cycle of my own and according to everyone on this website that i have gone to for help, have told me i am too young to be doing any cycle, especially one containing deca. So dont expect to receive any extra help from anybody else on this website cause as soon as they find out you are 18, they will roast your ass. They did mine. You can check it out on the anabolic questions and answers forum under the testosterone enanthate/deca-durabolin cycle thread. In the mean time i am going to do a little more research and looking around as to what the best PCT is cause i am not real sure and i havent even purchased anything yet.
  8. mtk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colton
    Im 19 and i am currently about to finish up a test e/deca cycle of my own and according to everyone on this website that i have gone to for help, have told me i am too young to be doing any cycle, especially one containing deca. So dont expect to receive any extra help from anybody else on this website cause as soon as they find out you are 18, they will roast your ass. They did mine. You can check it out on the anabolic questions and answers forum under the testosterone enanthate/deca-durabolin cycle thread. In the mean time i am going to do a little more research and looking around as to what the best PCT is cause i am not real sure and i havent even purchased anything yet.
    sweet. so ur first cycle was the test and deca? howd that work out for you?
  9. Colton's Avatar
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    Pretty good man. I'm about to be on week six and I've seen decent results. I started out 170 and now I am up to 182. However I think I'm a little too young to be doing anything like this which means the same goes for you and I've been told this from members on this website so I'm going to advise you to use extreme caution while on this cycle and make sure you follow up with a very good and thorough pct. Also you need to eat eat eat and eat some more to get good solid gains. Remember to eat plenty of carbs and protein. Rule of thumb is to always try and consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight a day. Since you are on a deca cycle it is probably better to go with 1.5 grams/lb bodyweight.
    Updated 08-10-2011 at 11:50 PM by Colton