first pre contest cycle
, 10-26-2011 at 10:59 AM (655 Views)
hello all, i am not planing my next show in tilll june of next year but wanted to go ahead and get my pre contest cycle laid out, tell me what you guys think about this(show is on week 12)
week 1-4 winstrol 50mg ED
week 1-9 test E 500 week
week 10-12 test prop 100mg eod
week 7-12 masteron 400 mg week (should i switch for tren ?)
week 7-12 halotestin 40mg ED
wek 1-12 .5mg adex EOD
the reason i start with test E and switch to prop is because id like to have less pins in me all the time.
this will be my second cycle because my first cycle is what i am on now and it is a bulk. the reason i chose masteron over tren is because i read tren can be pretty harsh, but hey if it will work wonders i think i would give it a try.
i am also planing on useing clen and t3 starting 8 weeks out for my fat buners. how do you guys suggest i dose these ? i know clen is 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and t3 is run at a max of 10 weeks i think. i am not certain so it is why i am here. oh and if i chose tren i know to have an anti progesterone on hand like dostinex.
my stats are right now
height 5'10
weight 212
bf 9% or less just rounding high
i have been lifting since i was 15 and competing in shows since the age of 16 my diet will be in check believe me i know how my body reacts, however it may act differently while using all the anabolics while dieting, i may not need to cut back as much.
the cycle i am on now hasn't really kicked in yet because it is test and deca and they take awhile to kick in, currently i am just now starting week 2. but any help for my pre contest regarding the cycle, and fat burners would be much help. thanks