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I need an answer please!

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by , 03-15-2011 at 02:53 PM (330 Views)
Hi there fellows. I have been reading and reading about suppliments. Quick background. I was in a car accident 3 years ago hurt my back. I had epidurals for a while and the doctor destroyed my adrenal gland "no adreanaline anymore". I am 197 and 6'1 and just getting fatter as i have no energy. All these posts are confusing to me. Now my question is...I have access to everything out there. I just want to do a few cycles to get some energy back and shred this float around my belly and get my nice fourm back. Do any of you have any input? I really appreaciate it. Thanks! Oh i got some HGH up and has given me some energy but does not help me lift a hot dog......E......
