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by , 06-01-2008 at 07:13 PM (6930 Views)
If you have an exercise physiology question whether it ranges from training to diet. Post it here, I love reading and helping those with anything based on human body.

Disclaimer: I will not answer questions on the use of AAS.

Note if I do not get back to you in a timely manner on the blog, please post in my Q&A thread or PM me.

Updated 03-23-2009 at 04:54 PM by MuscleScience



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  1. MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Here are some questions for you>>>>

    Does the pain radiate anywhere?

    Do you get any tingling or numbness down one side or the other.

    What movements aggravate the pain more

    What relieves the pain.

    Is there a time of day that it hurts worse.
  2. Pocketbattleship2B's Avatar
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    You have a degree in biology? Perfect you might be able to help me.I have two questions.The first is this,I have had many major surgeries on my abdomen,all over 10 years old.I have extensive scaring, will this affect my ability to lift weights when my poundages get high?
    The next question is some what weirder.
    As I mentioned I had many major surgerys as a child.I was born with Hirschsprung's.Long story short I was left with 5 inches of the normaly 5 foot long large intestine.Do you know how much weight that would detract from my body weight.I ask because I have stood shoulder to shoulder with men the same height, build and who were 160lb and i looked even slightly more muscular by their reconing, while I myself weigh 145lb.I have heard of people loseing 10lb after a colonic irrigation,I obviously wouldnt have that weight in my colon as mine is 5 inches long.What do you think?
    Thanks for any help you can give me.
    P.S. I have 2, one foot long scars going from under my ribcage to just above my groin and two scars(one each side) just above the level of my hip bones, bisecting my abs.none of them join each other and I haven't had any problems with them yet while lifting.Hope thats enough info for you.
    Updated 03-29-2009 at 12:28 PM by Pocketbattleship2B
  3. MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Scar tissue usually heals fairly strongly of course its not going to be as strong as a tendon or ligament because of the more random nature that collagen fibers are laid down relative to that of other connective tissue, or soft tissue types. You really shouldnt have much problem i would assume however it is something to keep an eye on. However I am no expert on this and have only trained or advised I should say one athlete that had any type of major abdominal surgery. No were in my research could I find any contraindications to exercise for him.

    As far as your colon being removed, I am sure you would have lost some mass. How much does 4+feet of intestines weigh, I have no idea.
  4. Pocketbattleship2B's Avatar
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    Thank you very much MuscleScience,that has put my mind at rest a bit.I have torn open a scar before creating a hernia at the sight, which was fixed over 10 years ago.I did this however not during weight training but buy swinging a grossly overweight rucksack(schoolbag) from the ground to one shoulder tearing the scar internally.I do of course observe good form on all my lifts (I believe) and have had no probs so far.As for the colon question this is extreamly difficult to find info on.I have been searching for years and every doctor(GP) I ask has no real idea either,any that answer just give the old 'its different for everyone' answer which just means they have no clue. Anyway thank you very much for your help and time I appreciate it.
  5. NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    MS, great blog.

    My question is in regards to cardio and fat burn. Can you give us the scientific evidence to end all debate on when, how much, bpm, machines..etc?

    For example, I do 30 mins fasted state am cardio at a field across from my house. I run for 1 min, and walk for 1 min. if I had to guess my bpm would be 160 for the first and 120 for the latter. Then, in the evening I weight lift. Immediately after, I follow it with a walk on the treadmill for 30 mins keeping my heart rate at 120. Am I doing this correctly to maximize fat burn (assuming I have my diet in check)?

  6. MuscleScience's Avatar
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    48 volts,

    Give me a few days to compile some papers, I will say however there is still a big debate in science on what is the most effective way to burn fat.
  7. MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Hey Volts 48,

    It took me forever to find this paper that I wanted to post, and ended up finding in my Q&A thread. This is a pretty good paper and compares to some extent the two different theories on cardio and fat loss.

    This study just came out this month if you can find a full text article of it at your local university or library it is well worth it.

    Effect of High-Intensity Interval Exercise on Lipid Oxidation during Postexercise Recovery.

    PURPOSE:: The aim of this study was to examine whether lipid oxidation predominates during 3 h of postexercise recovery in high-intensity interval exercise as compared with moderate-intensity continuous exercise on a cycle ergometer in fit young men (n = 12; 24.6 +/- 0.6 yr). METHODS:: The energy substrate partitioning was evaluated during and after high-intensity submaximal interval exercise (INT, 1-min intervals at 80% of maximal aerobic power output [W max] with an intervening 1 min of active recovery at 40% W max) and 60-min moderate-intensity continuous exercise at 45% of maximal oxygen uptake (C45%) as well as a time-matched resting control trial (CON). Exercise bouts were matched for mechanical work output. RESULTS:: During exercise, a significantly greater contribution of CHO and a lower contribution of lipid to energy expenditure were found in INT (512.7 +/- 26.6 and 41.0 +/- 14.0 kcal, respectively) than in C45% (406.3 +/- 21.2 and 170.3 +/- 24.0 kcal, respectively; P < 0.001) despite similar overall energy expenditure in both exercise trials (P = 0.13). During recovery, there were no significant differences between INT and C45% in substrate turnover and oxidation (P > 0.05). On the other hand, the mean contribution of lipids to energy yield was significantly higher after exercise trials (C45% = 61.3 +/- 4.2 kcal; INT = 66.7 +/- 4.7 kcal) than after CON (51.5 +/- 3.4 kcal; P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:: These findings show that lipid oxidation during postexercise recovery was increased by a similar amount on two isoenergetic exercise bouts of different forms and intensities compared with the time-matched no-exercise control trial.
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  8. NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    You're the man Msci. I really appreciate your effort bro. I will go ahead and give it a thorough read. Also, I have access to extensive research databases at school, and I will look it up.

    Also, do you mean if I start a thread and post this info in it for everyone to view? Of course, I will make sure you get the credit for the research
  9. MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Fire away Volt,

    This is all about learning, I would never be mad at anyone trying to improve the knowledge base of anyone else.
  10. John__Galt's Avatar
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    Msci, I am a newbie to serious power lifting. I have been working out the past two years and before that in high school (I am 33 now) I am 5'10 145lbs. I have always had trouble gaining weight. I am looking for a mentor/trainer in the central Pennsylvania region to help me out. If you could steer me in any kind of direction it would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to be a dumb newbie going into the gym asking complete strangers for help with workouts technique etc. I have done a good amount of research onn my own, but nothing beats having someone with you even if it is just to get me started on the right path. Thanks
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