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Heart Health with Essential Fatty Acids

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by , 08-24-2011 at 10:21 PM (1331 Views)
Why is it necessary that I should increase my intake of Omega Fatty Acid? Our requirement of essential fatty acids has changed radically over the last century. Our ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 should be close to 1:1, but it now hovers around over 10:1 and goes up to 20:1. This is due to the consumption of corn, sunflower, safflower, sesame and other Omega-6 oils in our daily diet. Many people think these excesses to be the main factor in a number of chronic medical conditions including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, asthma, acne, obesity and depression. It is clear that we need to increase our consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids and decrease our intake of Omega-6 (linoleic acid) oils. We will then feel healthier and look fresher.

What are the differences between good fats and bad fats]? Fat is a concentrated source of energy. This source of energy come in quite handy while performing aerobic exercises. The longer the exercise, the higher the fat contribution for providing energy. Fat is particularly used in large quantities in the brain and nervous system. There are two types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated fats are commonly referred to as "good" fats, and should make up the greatest percentage of our fat intake. Unsaturated fats or "good fats" are liquid at room temperature, and remain in liquid form even when refrigerated or frozen. Good fats are part of the essential fats: omega 3 and omega 6, both of which are unsaturated fats.

What is the role of EPA and DHA? These are two specific essential fatty acids found in fish oil. Both Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) have been well documented in regulating cellular functions and promoting good health. Diets deficient in EPA and DHA are known to cause a number of health problems, most notably heart diseases.

What is GLA and how is it different from other Omega-6 sources? - GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) is a type of Omega-6 fatty acid found in high amounts in borage oil, and also in black currant and evening primrose oils. As compared to the sunflower, safflower and other Omega-6 oils, the presence of GLA in borage oil reacts very differently at physiological levels. Linoleic acid ,if consumed in excess promotes inflammation due to the secretion of arachidonic acid (AA). GLA on the other hand, actually retards the production of AA and decreases inflammation. GLA has been very effectively used in treating various medical conditions, most notably rheumatoid arthritis and eczema. Emerging science also indicates that GLA has synergistic activities with the Omega-3 marine-derived DHA and EPA, mainly in cardiovascular health and fat metabolism.

Who does not want to be healthy, happy and fit with enough energy for work and for play. A well-balanced diet, exercise, and enough rest go a long way in helping us get the most out of life. And essential fatty acids (EFAs) are very helpful in making us lead healthier and happier lives. These good fats' truly are essential and most of us do not consume enough of the well-researched Omega fats.

Now getting the right amount of Omegas to suit your specific health needs is easier than ever. Where do essential fats come from? Sources of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fats:- Cold Water fish such as Salmon (coho, king and pink), sardines, cod, albacore tuna, trout, halibut , herring. (these fish are also a great source of Omega 6, but are predominantly richer in Omega 3)- Flaxseeds and green leafy vegetables are also good sources of Omega 3.- Sesame and sunflower seeds and other seeds and nuts are great sources of Omega 6.- Borage oil and evening primrose oil are rich sources of GLA which is part of the Omega 6 essential fats.

Where do saturated fats come from? Saturated fats contain large amounts of saturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids are named so, because they are "saturated" with hydrogen, meaning they have only single bonds between carbon atoms, leaving no room in their chemical structure for additional hydrogen atoms. Saturated fats are mainly solid at room temperature. Varieties of Saturated fat include: Butter, coconut and palm oils and lard.

Advantages- They aid in balancing the autoimmune system- treats skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis- cardiovascular health.

Sandy is a common guest blogger at and offers some sound advice on Fish Oil, which could be very helpful for you to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Tags: fish oil
