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Thinking about using steroids

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by , 06-27-2011 at 03:29 PM (820 Views)
thinking of doing Deca-Durabolin then nolvadex and clomid for post cycle. im doing one cycle. yes i no you guys know how everyone says there only going to do one cycle but im really going to try. Ive been lifting without anything anabolic for year and half. Went from being 5 8'' weighing 130lb benching 155lb , to weighing 154 benching 210lbs. I want to do a 3 week cycle. im 19 and all i keep reading about cancers and bunch of other crap that harms you so im trying to do this right IF i even end up doing it. any help guys?


  1. PurpleOnes's Avatar
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    I think you should gain more lifting experience as natural. Also you should really dig into research before using any anabolics.
  2. neewbietoroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleOnes
    I think you should gain more lifting experience as natural. Also you should really dig into research before using any anabolics.
    Im starting my research... thought this would be a good start. And i maxed out at 235 today so im definitely not small anymore, ive been lifting hard for a year and a half.