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43 yr old man doing hgh

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by , 11-08-2010 at 06:18 PM (28604 Views)
Im 43 and feeling the age now, iv got 3 boxes of somatropin 191aa/rhgh. 10 vials in each box which are 10ui (3.3mg)each vial... I have a 30ml vial of bacteriostatic water to mix... How much water into each 10ui vial of powder? I have 1cc insulin syringes how much do i inject daily? I dont want to go hog wild and experience the side efects.... Im about 165lb slim bottem end ok top end, id like to hit close to 200lb in the next 6 months


  1. stripling's Avatar
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    dude, i'm pretty sure you don't mix it with water. i think you cook it up like you do steroids. Heat AA & AB with oil, strain it with a fine strainer, put in vial and inject 1ml EOD for .028iu/kg ... so, like, 5IU EOD if you're 220lbs/100kgs

    please don't just mix it with water and inject.... please, please make sure what you're doing!

    Also, i'm 46 and doing var right now and been thinking of doing a 9 month cycle of hgh... but the price is kinda killing me as i'm a broke loser

    I found a place that charges (bulk, probably where you got yours) $210 for 10 vials of 5iu or 50iu total (ui if you're european) bla bla bla... it comes out to freakin' 100iu for $420 US which is, obviously, $4.20 PER IU :O DUDE! At 5IU injections EOD that's (5x15x$4.20) $300 a MONTH! And that does not even include T3, anti-estrogens, base level anabolic like test and that INJ or whatever it's called stuff!

    DAMN! So, is that about what you paid? I'd totally do it if it were about 1/3 this amount... well, maybe 1/4 i'm broke right now, but i'm dying to use HGH after what i've read!

    so, how much did you get yours for?

    ALSO! 10 vials at 10IU is 100 total IU which should do you for only 40 days! HGH cycles are recommended from 6-9 months (9 months considered optimal). So, dude, you need a lot more.

    So, seriously 1) be CAREFUL and don't just inject it w/o the recipe! 2) pls tell me how much you paid! thanks.
  2. stripling's Avatar
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    p/s oops, i blew it! at your weight you should take only 4iu EOD so you have more like 50 days worth PLUS i totally didn't see you have 3 boxes! that's 150 days worth! 5 months is pretty decent...

    also, clearly i'm an idiot. from what i've read on HGH prep.

    "Using HGH medication is not that easy. The following steps need to be followed:

    • The HGH powder should be diluted in a vial of bacteriostatic water. This powder should be frozen dry.

    • The remaining solution must be refrigerated and should be used within five days or else full potentials will not be maximized. Chemists say, however, that an HGH solution has a life span of up to six weeks provided that it has been refrigerated."

    so ignore me, i'm ignorant and don't know much about anything past steroids and know only a little about that.

    but still i am interested in how much you paid

    maybe this will help... recommended amount of hgh is .028iu / kg and you weight about 80kg so about 2IU per day. from what i've read (double check me pls) you should take 4IU EOD. If I were you I'd mix 1ml (1cc, same thing) with 4IU so you can just suck-up 1ml and take it EOD.

    So, how much H2O into your 10IU vial? I'd say if 1cc = 4IU then 2cc = 8IU and 2.5cc = 10IU

    So, measure out 2.5ml and mix it with one vial and inject 1ml EOD is my guess

    when you find out the real answer from someone who's not retarded please tell me
  3. Matt's Avatar
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    Thank god you put that right in the end..^^^^^
  4. pipeliner's Avatar
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    **** man you are WAYoff, you mix it with sterile bacteriostatic water i know that much, i paid 1000$ per box and have about a 5-6 month supply, Is there anybody out there that knows more than this meat head, Cook it like steroids what the hell kind of advice is that.... Ive done roids , and you dont cook anything, HELP any one who knows their shit better than this guy
  5. stripling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipeliner
    **** man you are WAYoff, you mix it with sterile bacteriostatic water i know that much, i paid 1000$ per box and have about a 5-6 month supply, Is there anybody out there that knows more than this meat head, Cook it like steroids what the hell kind of advice is that.... Ive done roids , and you dont cook anything, HELP any one who knows their shit better than this guy
    1) i corrected myself
    2) i was just trying to help
    3) my calculations are accurate
    4) you over paid so much i wanna vomit. i can get the same thing you did at $380/box
    5) you and that other douche-bag can suck my crotch ... on second thought, i hope you screw something up and inject yourself dead