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by , 08-24-2011 at 10:40 AM (990 Views)
Hi I'm sortive new to the whole steroid game, I'm 32 years old and I'm very active , I have always worked hard and eat rite about 9 months out of the year. My main goals have always been to stay lean .5 years ago I was around 140 lbs while I was with army special last two years in I begain weight training and within a year I gained about 40lbs.over the past two years I've gotten more serious and I've went up to my current weight at 200.I have took test,tren,winny before but only ran 10cc of each and stopped because getting big wasn't for me. I'm curently doing 600mg test e and 400 mg of masterone for a fitness show in 4 weeks. I'm on my 8th week of both. November first I'm looking at gaining mass because I would like to compete next year.I'm looking at 600 mg test and 300 deca a wk and if i have the money maybe 50 mg Dbol a goal by Feb is to be at or above 220.anyways any help or advice would be greatful. Oh and during those 3 months of Nov,Dec,Jan I don't diet.thanks for anyone's input
