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Post pct problems

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by , 11-21-2012 at 05:23 PM (846 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by Relax View Post
Hey fellas, do its been 3 months since my pct,and though I've slowly noticed my hormones balancing ouout, they are still quite unbalanced. My cycle was
Andropen wks 1-6
Pct- Nolva 20mg/day for 45 days
Aromasin 10mg/day for 30 days

As of my last blood test (2 weeks ago
) I was at
Total test-446

My question is what should I do at this pint, I was go to use clomid for a month but my estrogen is already low and I know suppressing it even more would have bad side effects. This was my first cycle and I've been lifting steady and eating right for over 4and years, im 25 years old 6ft 205 10% bf. Just basically wondering what I should take. Swifto if your out there, your input would be greatly appreciated. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
