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Newbie needing advise , finally ready to do first cycle

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by , 04-27-2011 at 05:06 AM (1049 Views)
first, i am 34 yo, 255pds, 6' 17%bf

i just got my hands on a bottle of testcyp enough for 500mgs for 10 weeks. Problem is my guy is saying to do 500mgs weekly but of all the reading i have been doing, 500mgs seems to be high for my first cycle. ive been lifting 5 days a week for a year now and tend to lift on the heavier side and i do very little cardio. my best bench is 345, can do 275 for 10 reps. im smith machine squatting 225 for 4 sets, 10 reps.

is 500mgs weekly too much? i know i want to do this but want to be smart as possible about doing it. and one more question, what should i use for PCT? anywhere i can research. i do plan on getting bloodwork done but when? before i start. i feel healthy and never go to the doc for anything.

i sincerely appreciate all the info. your willing to share. thanks in advance
btw... my protein intake will be 300 grams daily

just to throw this out there, i am currently using HiTech pharms. trifecta cycle which includes their creatine, dianibol tablets, and anavar tablets, should i stop this stuff once i go on CYP? obviously i'll stay on creatine though.


  1. Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Work on your diet and get your body fat down. 6 foot 255 at 17%bf is pretty beastlly, but soft. You will have a accelerated risk for heart problems in your life. Try to cut down to 15% healthy, and maintain that.
    You need to do cardio, since you are wanting to get big walk on a tread climber. Perfect for body builders cuz it works cardio hard with out the strain and easier to maintan HR.
    work some high rep sets in with your work outs to help build a base which will help increase strength and size.
    you do need to do 45 min cardio with ur HR in the 60-70% Max HR (google it theres plenty of info out there) to maximize your fat burning. THis will also train your heart and be healthier all around.

    Test cyp will cause bloating due to increased aromatization by paracrine action ( really not a big deal at all, just the differences between the esters) so you will want to make sure your diet is really clean and salt healthy cuz your body will asorb all that it wants.
    get off creatine when ur on cycle, its a waste. It will dehydrate yourself to fast, and your body creates more of it on cycle.
    500mg is fine but 10 weeks is short for a cyp cycle. you need atleast a 14 week cycle for cyp.
    With all the current things you are doing to reach your goals, i dont think test cyp is a good choice for you at the moment unless you can get enough for 15 weeks.
    As for a PCT, you will want Nolva. Also get some HCG to run during ur cycle 2 for the last 8 weeks at 2x week at 250iu then when u wait the 3 weeks after that last shot before you start pct, you do the first week normal at 250iu 2x week, then the next 2 weeks you do 2500iu 1x week for those 2 weeks, then done with HCG.
    Nolva you will want to run 40/40/20/20 (/20) - optional 5th week depends on how u feel.

    you should stop all the supplements a month before your cycle (the pharm stuff for muscle etc.)
    keep your BCAA, protein, whatever else you have thats used to build mass (not something stumilating somehting else to build - that would be the test cyp )

    good luck!
    pm me any questions
  2. roxburr's Avatar
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    thanks man, im pretty sure i can get enough for 15 weeks. it looks as if i should be able to follow exactly what you have recommended.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8
    Work on your diet and get your body fat down. 6 foot 255 at 17%bf is pretty beastlly, but soft. You will have a accelerated risk for heart problems in your life. Try to cut down to 15% healthy, and maintain that.
    You need to do cardio, since you are wanting to get big walk on a tread climber. Perfect for body builders cuz it works cardio hard with out the strain and easier to maintan HR.
    work some high rep sets in with your work outs to help build a base which will help increase strength and size.
    you do need to do 45 min cardio with ur HR in the 60-70% Max HR (google it theres plenty of info out there) to maximize your fat burning. THis will also train your heart and be healthier all around.

    Test cyp will cause bloating due to increased aromatization by paracrine action ( really not a big deal at all, just the differences between the esters) so you will want to make sure your diet is really clean and salt healthy cuz your body will asorb all that it wants.
    get off creatine when ur on cycle, its a waste. It will dehydrate yourself to fast, and your body creates more of it on cycle.
    500mg is fine but 10 weeks is short for a cyp cycle. you need atleast a 14 week cycle for cyp.
    With all the current things you are doing to reach your goals, i dont think test cyp is a good choice for you at the moment unless you can get enough for 15 weeks.
    As for a PCT, you will want Nolva. Also get some HCG to run during ur cycle 2 for the last 8 weeks at 2x week at 250iu then when u wait the 3 weeks after that last shot before you start pct, you do the first week normal at 250iu 2x week, then the next 2 weeks you do 2500iu 1x week for those 2 weeks, then done with HCG.
    Nolva you will want to run 40/40/20/20 (/20) - optional 5th week depends on how u feel.

    you should stop all the supplements a month before your cycle (the pharm stuff for muscle etc.)
    keep your BCAA, protein, whatever else you have thats used to build mass (not something stumilating somehting else to build - that would be the test cyp )

    good luck!
    pm me any questions
  3. roxburr's Avatar
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    can you be more detailed about HCG? i tried to google it but got confused fairly quickly. what should i take and is oral drops better than injections. is this something i can buy publicly or something i need to look in the darkness for? also, im a little concerned with the testical shrinkage issue. is this something that i need to be worried about with doing 500mg weekly for 15 weeks? any more details would be much appreciated. i had planned to do my first injection today but im going to hold off for atleast one more week so i can become a little more confident with my understanding.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8
    Work on your diet and get your body fat down. 6 foot 255 at 17%bf is pretty beastlly, but soft. You will have a accelerated risk for heart problems in your life. Try to cut down to 15% healthy, and maintain that.
    You need to do cardio, since you are wanting to get big walk on a tread climber. Perfect for body builders cuz it works cardio hard with out the strain and easier to maintan HR.
    work some high rep sets in with your work outs to help build a base which will help increase strength and size.
    you do need to do 45 min cardio with ur HR in the 60-70% Max HR (google it theres plenty of info out there) to maximize your fat burning. THis will also train your heart and be healthier all around.

    Test cyp will cause bloating due to increased aromatization by paracrine action ( really not a big deal at all, just the differences between the esters) so you will want to make sure your diet is really clean and salt healthy cuz your body will asorb all that it wants.
    get off creatine when ur on cycle, its a waste. It will dehydrate yourself to fast, and your body creates more of it on cycle.
    500mg is fine but 10 weeks is short for a cyp cycle. you need atleast a 14 week cycle for cyp.
    With all the current things you are doing to reach your goals, i dont think test cyp is a good choice for you at the moment unless you can get enough for 15 weeks.
    As for a PCT, you will want Nolva. Also get some HCG to run during ur cycle 2 for the last 8 weeks at 2x week at 250iu then when u wait the 3 weeks after that last shot before you start pct, you do the first week normal at 250iu 2x week, then the next 2 weeks you do 2500iu 1x week for those 2 weeks, then done with HCG.
    Nolva you will want to run 40/40/20/20 (/20) - optional 5th week depends on how u feel.

    you should stop all the supplements a month before your cycle (the pharm stuff for muscle etc.)
    keep your BCAA, protein, whatever else you have thats used to build mass (not something stumilating somehting else to build - that would be the test cyp )

    good luck!
    pm me any questions
  4. Lemonada8's Avatar
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    HCG is a hormone, aka protein. What happens when you eat proteins? :P

    It is secreted/urinated by a female during pregnancy (you can test if u have HCG with prego tests usuallly faked with hgh lol) In men its acts like LH, which stimulates test production intratesticularly. it helps with keeping 'gas in the engine' so when pct starts it helps to get it more upregulated with the bolus of HCG. Not anything while on cycle, other than not having pes-estes :P, better when u join HCG you have more walnut-estes lol.
  5. Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8
    HCG is a hormone, aka protein. What happens when you eat proteins? :P

    It is secreted/urinated by a female during pregnancy (you can test if u have HCG with prego tests usuallly faked with hgh lol) In men its acts like LH, which stimulates test production intratesticularly. it helps with keeping 'gas in the engine' so when pct starts it helps to get it more upregulated with the bolus of HCG. Not anything while on cycle, other than not having pes-estes :P, better when u join HCG you have more walnut-estes lol.
  6. Lemonada8's Avatar
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    HCG is a hormone, aka protein. What happens when you eat proteins? :P

    It is secreted/urinated by a female during pregnancy (you can test if u have HCG with prego tests usuallly faked with hgh lol) In men its acts like LH, which stimulates test production intratesticularly. it helps with keeping 'gas in the engine' so when pct starts it helps to get it more upregulated with the bolus of HCG. Not anything while on cycle, other than not having pes-estes :P, better when u join HCG you have more walnut-estes lol.

    yea whan you are using test cyp, you need to go minimum of 14 weeks, 15 usually typical and 17 being max. (other than hrt/trt)

    If you find you are having sides, and need a AI, take Letro. There are places in the forum that know it better than I at the moment.

    hey one change to the hcg though. Instead of the post cycle hcg use, you take a bolus of 2500iu hcg the week before you start pct. (up untill then do it normally 2x week) then the next week at 1000iu hcg then the last week at 250. this taper will help downregulate the receptors a bit quicker buy giving it smaller bolus's.

    so here you go

    Test cyp week 1-15 500mg week
    HCG week 3- 250iu 2x weekly
    HCG week 18 - 2500 iu 1x week
    HCG week 19 - 1000 iu 1x week
    HCG week 20 - 250 iu 1x week
    Nolva week 19-22 40/4/20/20
    nolva week 18

    You will need to be exra careful usint this compound cuz of your high body fat percentage and using test cyp. Cyp has more peripheral retention of salt, so that brings water aka bloating. With your bf you have higher risk factors for that along with heart conditions later in life.

    Personally i always go with test prop, and 7-8 week cycle max. Fast on, fast off, fast recovery smaller, but eatily more sustainabel gains.
  7. djwalley13's Avatar
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    ok guys i need some real advice on this... i have been thinking about taking something for some time now and i really want to "bulk up"... i eat right, have a good diet and i work out 3-4 times a week but i just keep getting cut and i really dont get any results as far as gaining size but im really cut. my stats are: AGE: 22, HEIGHT: 6' 4", WEIGHT: 145 lbs, BODY MASS: 5%, the only thing i take is protien to help gain a lil weight but it just takes so much and yields very little results. ...