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by , 02-10-2008 at 04:10 PM (878 Views)
what gym habiots that people have piss u off the most


  1. AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    Oh god, here comes a long list...Not in any order

    1. Hogging mirrior/equipment, especially the smith machines and pully.
    2. Taking forever at drinking fountain (filling up F'in gallon jug when all you want is a sip, I bring my own bottle now!)
    3. Rediculous form/Lifting super heavy weight incorrectly to look strong.
    4. Small guys walking around in wife beaters with their arms up as if their lats are too big.
    5. Guys who insist on having 10min convos in between their sets.
    6. Guys that have a new supp. to ask about everytime you see them.
    7. Guys that give advice that is totally incorrect, but its a lot less time consuming to just smile and act like you agree with their dumbasses.
    8. Loud grunting and screaming when benching something like 50 lbs.
    9. Not racking weights.
    10. Guys wearing jeans or boots to gym, HATE THAT!
    11. Old guys going out of their way for everyone to see their old balls in the locker room.
    12. Scrawny dudes checking out chicks all day instead of lifting.
    13. Skinny guys were those tight Under Armor shirts
    14. Guys saggin their gym shorts, so everytime they pick up a weight you have to see their underwear.
    15. Guys/girls singing to their IPODS.
    16. Old men trying to compete with what you're lifting.
    17. Anyone trying to compete with your lifts, geez everyone is built diff. everyone has diff. goals. A lot of guys get so insecure if you bench more than them, they get that I'll show him attitude, like I'm intentionally trying to outdo someone.