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  1. My 16lbs gain in 6 weeks Blog

    by , 05-01-2008 at 12:22 PM
    Ok, within 6 weeks I packed on 16lbs, dropped 2.5-3% BF, Strength is up by 15-20%.

    Started on March 14th. With a 400mg/week Test p. EOD shots. and Arimidex .25mg ED
    400 mg/week is very low compared with my usual doses (between 700-1000mg/week).

    Week 1-3
    meal 1
    12 Egg whites
    3 slice whole weat bread
    1 Large Banana
    1 scoop Whey (24g pro)

    +2.5 hrs
    6 oz FF cottage cheese
    1 apple
    1/4 cup nuts ...