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  1. 1st Cycle Ever - Anavar - Old fat guy - Results tracked and reported

    by , 10-26-2010 at 04:17 PM
    Age: 45/46
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 245lbs (goal 190 or -55)
    Body Fat: 33% (goal 10%)
    Arms: 15.5" (no goal, maybe 17.5"?)
    Waist: 44" (goal 34" or -10")
    Chest: 47" (no goal, maybe 48"?)
    Dose: 40mg/day
    Cycle: 8 weeks planned
    *Goals achieved in a 6-8 month time period, not just by end of Var cycle

    This is my first cycle of any steroid or drug... ever. I've studied on and off for about ...