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1st Cycle Ever - Anavar - Old fat guy - Results tracked and reported

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by , 10-26-2010 at 04:17 PM (1111 Views)
Age: 45/46
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 245lbs (goal 190 or -55)
Body Fat: 33% (goal 10%)
Arms: 15.5" (no goal, maybe 17.5"?)
Waist: 44" (goal 34" or -10")
Chest: 47" (no goal, maybe 48"?)
Dose: 40mg/day
Cycle: 8 weeks planned
*Goals achieved in a 6-8 month time period, not just by end of Var cycle

This is my first cycle of any steroid or drug... ever. I've studied on and off for about a year until I finally got over my fear and just decided to dive in. Once I got a good supplier I ordered my Ox, mixed it with chocolate, poured it into molds and voila. As you can see, I'm over-weight so I'm sticking with cutting roids like Var and Primo which should aid is fat loss and muscle growth. That's my theory!

As you can see, I'm older and heavier than most of you guys. My ideal weight is 190 so I've been 55lbs over (49 currently). I've been working out 4 times a week for 7 years now. I hit my wall years ago and got tired of healing so slowly. Heard roids can help me.

Now, Ox (Var, Anavar, whatever) is expensive so I purchased it bulk powder and at 40mg/day with 5g (5000mg) made 125 pieces for around $160... so let's call it $1.50 US / day. When I first got into research I thought it would be $4-$6 / day and was like - hell no! TOO much! But at $1.50 / day and knowing I'm getting the best roid around (for my needs) I figured I'd give it a shot.

I attended seminars dealing with steroid therapy and did a lot of research before I finally decided I really have nothing to lose my current age. I had doctors tell me I'm classic low-T --- so I jumped in nervously.

I've been on Anavar for one month now and have one big regret so far. That is, that I did not do this ten years ago. I've decided to document (blog) my experiences here for all the world. Here's my detail:

Day 1: Took my first tab and hit the gym a few hours later. I felt a strange "clench" in my muscles while working out. Something felt like it was awakening. My buddy said he didn't feel it (we started, as roid virgins, this cycle together) but I work out a lot and he never does. It felt good lifting. I wanted to hurt my muscles to see what the healing results would be. After everything I've read I was excited to see what would happen. I've been suffering for years now with soreness and slow healing which limit my ability to work out like I could in my 30's and 20's.

Day 2: Hit the gym again. My muscles felt ... tight? That's the only way I can describe it. It felt pretty good.

Day 3: Hit the gym hard today. Sweating like crazy. Sweat is almost like water in taste. I'm a little sore but after the last two days expected to be more sore. Increased my weights for legs, arms and chest just to blow my muscles out. The "wolverine" healing is something I'd trying to test.

Day 4: This sucks ... I'm getting a cold. Sneezing so hard I threw my back out a little. My girlfriend just got over the flu and I hope I don't have it.

Day 5: I still sweat hard. I also have increased amounts of gas, as has been documented by several other Anavar users. I'm simply amazed how I can keep coming back to the gym. Day 3 and 4 I lifted so hard I generally have to take two and sometimes three days off before I come back to the gym. I'm hurting today so turning it down a little.

Day 6: My cold is getting worse and my back lower back is pretty screwed up. Taking the day off.

Day 7: Back at the gym. Still gassy, still sweating hard, still a little sick. Trying to work through it. I'm not sleeping well and I don't know if it's due to the Var or my illness. My friend who's cycling with me tells me he has zero effects at all so far. He has not even worked out yet. I don't know why he's taking the Var at all if he's not going to work out hard but I'm glad he is because it means my ill effects are due to my flu/cold.

This documents week 1. I will now go week by week.

Week 2: My back is bad all this week and I thought about stopping my cycle. I decided to press on and do what I can. Hope I'm not wasting my money. At the end of this week my muscles started to feel harder. No joke - just like they say. Tighter and harder. Chest, arms and legs. It feel good. Amazing, actually. I'm working out almost as hard now sick as I could work out well. Can't wait to get well to see what it will be like. Still sweating, still have gas. Gas has no odor so no big deal. No intestinal cramping either.

Week 3: Gas has really slowed down and my sweating, while more than normal, is less than weeks 1 and 2. By the end of this week I couldn't believe my muscles... so hard! I increased my weights significantly. I'm starting to really feel it now. Body temp is up... I'm feeling hotter at lower temps. Think my metabolism is up! That's great!

Week 4: My back is finally better and my cold is gone. I get a cold in my back muscles once every 3 or 4 years for about 2 weeks. I'm so glad it's gone. Body temp still up, not as hungry as I usually am, especially in the morning, so I'm eating a little less. Testicles hurt a bit but not enough to be concerned. Sleeping only 7 hours a night restfully and doing fine.

Sweating is much closer to normal now... still more than normal.
Gas is gone, no ill effect from the Var now.
Sleep if fine. Obviously my poor sleep was due to my illness.
I have lost 5 pounds of fat now and think I'm up 5 pounds of muscle. My legs are simply amazing. My girlfriend is shocked.

This brings me up to today. Let me tell you my impressions so far.

#1: Healing. I heal so fast it's insane. I can work out hard in the morning and feel like working out again that night. Sometimes I do. Before Anavar it would take 2 days minimum to recover. Now, I ONLY FEEL like working out. When I do I can NOT do the reps I can if I wait a full day and if I wait 2 days I can rep more and do more weight. But I'm ON CYCLE (precious time) and want to keep myself burned out so I'm going to try and hit it as much as I can.
#2: Strength. This took 2 weeks to notice and 3 to kick in. I'm kicked in now and I love it. I could do ten consecutive push-ups at the start... now I can do 25. I could do no pull-ups now I can do 3. I could do no dips now I can do 5. I could do 20 deep squats now I can do 60.
#3: Endurance: this is the least noticeable, yet noticeable!
#4: Cutting (or in my case weight loss): I'm gaining muscle at the same rate I'm losing fat. I'm happy with it. I hope now that I'm no longer ill the rest of my cycle will pick up. I'd like to lose 10 pounds of fat in November. I'm almost half way through my cycle so I need to pick up the pace.

This is no joke. I've been doing this for YEARS! This is truly a turbo-charger.

Cardio: 3 miles is my usual on the elliptical and stairs. Now 3 miles goes by fast. I'm up to 5 miles now. (450 cal to 650 cal appx)

Here are my current stats:

Weight: 238 (-7 pounds)
Arms: 16" (+.5")
Waste: 43" (-1")
Chest: 47.5 (+.5" - noticeably less fat, moobs smaller)
Body Fat: 29.5% (-3.5%)

Clearly the most notable thing is my muscles. They are tighter and/or harder. They feel amazing. Great, as a matter of fact. It's addictive. The difference between how fast I heal now and how my muscles feel is as wide as the difference between before I started to cycle Var and how I was when I was 18 years old. I never felt this good even at 18, 19, 20, 21 or 22. I never healed this fast. I should be limping! I should not be able to walk with how I'm working out and I simply get stronger and stronger! 1/2 way through the cycle and I'm a believer.

I've noticed testicular shrinkage. My testicles are roughly 35-40% smaller. I've been feeling testicular "cramping" or small amounts of pain from week 2. This I mention not because I care as I do not care one bit. The slight discomfort is well worth it. Now, in week 5, the pain is nearly gone.

I will keep you up to date with further results news. BTW, my friend has started to work out and reports exactly the same results as I, including testicular shrinkage, hardening muscles, fast healing and a slight decrease in appetite.

I dread going off my cycle. From what I've read I will not be able to cycle again until February! time on = time off... I'm very sad about this. I'm thinking of doing a T3/clen cycle once the roid cycle is over. It looks like 3 cycles per year is what I'll be doing.

Anyone want to tell me what you think of all this? I'm a total newbie at this... advise? Observations? Suggestions?

Thanks, forum...

Oh, I wanted to mention I purchased enough var for 3 cycles. I also purchased 3 cycles of primo and 5 cycles of Deca. THIS IS MY 1st CYCLE and I do not plan on stacking until I've single-cycled 3 or 4 times (over 1 year). I fear the deca and am thinking primo will be my next cycle. Probably do deca once I'm down to 10% BF in a year or so and might stack it. Who knows, that will be 2011 or 2012 when Sarah Palin is president and I'll have killed myself

Please, experienced roiders, I'm very open to your advise.

So far so good. Results took a while to come on (3 weeks or so) but I'm very pleased thus far.

Diet: I eat healthy. 2 protein shakes a day spread out, egg-beaters, salmon steaks, chicken, veggies. My diet is about 125g protein, 100 carbs (obviously no ketosis here! so much for Atkins) 80 fat (is that too much?). That's 4x125 or 500 pro, 4x100 or 400 carb and 9x80 or 720 fat total of 1620 cal / day. You diet people, what do you think of this? Was told you can't metabolize more than 30g protein per 4 hours so I'm trying to spread out my intake throughout the day. 25 morning, 32 lunch before workout, 32 after workout and 40 or so dinner. LOVE to read your advise on diet, roid usage, everything.

