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Female var cycle

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by , 02-18-2013 at 05:36 PM (1017 Views)
Hey everyone!!

I just started a cycle on saturday 2/16. This is my first REAL cycle. I say real because my first time taking anvar was august 2012 and i was on birth control during the cycle. I ramped up to 15 mg for 8 weeks. My boyfriend was informed by a professioanal female bodybuilder that you cannot be on birthcontrol. So i stopped the var. Birth control and the var dont mix and it hindered all the gains i could have gotten. I did see some strength gains but nothing that crazy. I should have seen alot espcially taking 15mg. So this time around i am off birth control(been off for 3 weeks) and really looking forward to see what the var can do!

There isn't much information out there in regards to women and anavar. Guys and girls have such different effects/results/side effects. So I've decided to log my experience over the next 10weeks. This a great way for me to stay on track and log my feelings and results and also get any advice along the way from people more experience. Advice and feedback is greatly appriciated! I am going to be as detailed as possible. I am planing on doing weekly update . if i experience anything that i need to post i will. I am starting out at 5mg for first 4 days then ramping right up to 12.5mg a day for a total of 10 weeks.

My diet is on point! I have been eating a strict diet since april 2012. I calculate my calories/cabs/fat/protein in each meal. I did my first bulk approx 2-3 months and gained a decent amount of muscle. Now I am currently cutting and carb cycling duirng this phase, which i started jan 7, 2013. My daily macros are 720 calories 75g carbs 12g of fat 85g protein. I do a re-feed (carb up) day every 2 weeks. This day i take in 150g of carbs. I alternate that with a high carb day where i take in 100g carbs. So my carb cycle schedule is as follows Sat-monday are moderate carb days, tues-thurs no carbs (no startchy carbs), and friday high or refeed day. Tuesday and fridays are my rest days, but tuesday is active rest day i do cardio only. I eat clean, chicken green veggies, sweet potatos, brown rice lean turkey, avocoados, egg/egg whites, oats. Below is an example of a moderate carb day.

Breakfast: 3 egg whites 1/2 ezekiel english muffin
Snack: 1.75oz chicken 1/4 cup green veggies
Lunch: 1.75oz chicken 1/4 cup green veggies
Prework out: 2.75ox 93% lean turkey 130g sweet potatos
Post work out shake: 3/4 scoop protein 1/5 cup oats
Dinner: 2oz chicken 1/4cup green veggies
Daily Supplements: mult vitamin, vitmain c, fish oil, bcaas, pre workout drink

I will give you a little background on my training. I started going to the gym and lifitng weights back in july 2012. Before then i was doing p90x at home for about a year prior. P90x was a good base for me but i wasnt getting the results i wanted. I got into the gym since my boyfriend has such a strong passion for fitness and a lot of experience. He got me on my diet and learnedva lot about eating clean. He has a lot of knowledge on nutrition and what works! I bassically had no idea what i was doing! The gym can be very overwhelming for a girl! I just followed his lead. I lifted what he lifted(obviosuly lower weight). I was training hard and heavy right off the bat. Learing a lot about form and different training techniqques. i have been training with him since. Currently i train legs twice a week and have started training shoulders as well 2x a week. I now have huge passion for fitness. I go hard at the gym. Currently added in a lot of HIIT cardio. Doing cardio after my lifts 5 days week and cardio on my rest day.

My current measurments:
Height- 5'4"
Weight- 138lbs
Waist- 27.5"
Hips- 36"
Hips & butt- 38"

My goals during this cycle is to gain a lot of muscle and to look very toned and athletic even a ripped look. I want to cut a lot of fat as well. My boyfriend and i have done a lot of research before i started, to be informed on possible sides and resutls. But there is still a lot of unknown, so experience is the best way tomlearn. There are not many logs of females taking var and their experiences. So i will be learning along the way and will greatly appriciate anyones advice or experiences to help me along My journey. Hopefully my experiences will help other females interested in starting a cycle.
