I am looking to cut alot of my fat with a cutting cycle. Any help would greatly help!
, 10-02-2012 at 06:09 AM (930 Views)
t Hi everyone.
I am 20 years old 5'11 219. I have like a pair shaped body. I weighed 236 less than a month ago. I just started a diet which i know you would not preffer I am eating a grilled chicken breast and some green beans. a day I know im not consuming alot of calories and I know im eating away muscle too. but when I find one or a stack of a steroid I will start eating the way I know I am supposed to. anyways ill tell you my stats yall already know some but I have used bunch of steroids before prop, clen, enathate, anavar hgh, even a horse steroid which was the best. what I am thinking about and any suggestions would be great I was thinking about taking prop 1cc everother day with some var pills like 6 everyother day. eating 6 times a day. trying to consume 3000 calories with cardio running/ jogging 45 min everyother day then bi/tri monday thursday back and shoulders tuesdays and fridays ands abs and legs saturdays!!!!!! but if you have a more effective way to lose weight or gain muscle while looking thinner I would gladly change the whole thing thanks for any help! also i will be doing abs with my arm work out at the end but on saturdays I would like to do alot more than I could since I will be tired. thanks