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An honest journey

Cycle Blog

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by , 07-11-2013 at 02:47 AM (866 Views)
Dear reader,

Running a blog is not small task. Sure, it is easy to write this first post but to keep it up is no walk in the park. I have however decided to do create this blog (even though I have another public one) since publishing Test cycle results publicly on the web (depending on where you live) can get you into some serious trouble. I am at the end of a cutting cycle with the goal of being at 9% before I start lean bulking. The cycle that I am currently running is as follows:

01 - 10 140mcg/ed Clenbuterol 3mg/ed Ketotifen
11 - 21 250mg Test-E/ew + Aromasin 12.5mg/ed + 250ui HCG 2/wk
22 - 24 Nothing
25 - 26 100mg/ed Clomid 40mg/ed Nolva
27 - 28 50mg/ed Clomid 20mg/ed Nolva

My current results is detailed in a Google document but to make it easy I have brought those results in here to make it easier for you (The one person reading this) to follow along.
Date 05-21-2013 05-26-2013 06-02-2013 06-09-2013 06-16-2013 06-23-2013 06-30-2013 07-07-2013 07-14-2013
Weight lbs 172 169.6 168.8 166.7 167.2 165.1 161.9 163.7
Weight Kg 78 76.9 76.6 75.6 75.9 74.9 73.5 74.3
Weight change lbs 0 -2.4 -0.8 -2.1 0.5 -2.1 -3.2 1.8
Weight change Kg 0 -1.1 -0.3 -1 0.23 -1 -1.4 0.8
Current_Calorie_Intake 1968 1968 1968 1881 1881 1753 1753 1753 1753
Macro breakdown P59%_F27%_C14% P59%_F27%_C14% P59%_F27%_C14% P74%_F19%_C7% P74%_F19%_C7% P67%_F28%_C5% P67%_F28%_C5% P67%_F28%_C5% P67%_F28%_C5%
120mcg clean
3mcg keto ED
120mcg clean
3mcg keto ED
120mcg clean
3mcg keto ED
120mcg clean
3mcg keto ED

My current goal is to reach 9% body fat (or very close to it) before continuing on to my Test cycle. After this is will be a lean bulk cycle with a small amount of Test to ease into using AAS. I am going to do a small photo shoot when done with the test cycle and that is what I am working towards at the moment.

I am currently working out using Musclehacks THT 5.1 but doing a 6 day split instead of a 5 day split. My workout schedule is currently as follows:
Monday Shoulders and Traps Cardio
Tuesday Legs
Wednesday Triceps and Biceps
Thursday Back Cardio
Friday Pecs Cardio
Saturday Abs Cardio
Sunday Cardio
I will update this blog whenever I feel like I need some motivation which currently is almost every darn day

Stay tuned!
