Cycle Blog
, 07-11-2013 at 02:47 AM (866 Views)
Dear reader,
Running a blog is not small task. Sure, it is easy to write this first post but to keep it up is no walk in the park. I have however decided to do create this blog (even though I have another public one) since publishing Test cycle results publicly on the web (depending on where you live) can get you into some serious trouble. I am at the end of a cutting cycle with the goal of being at 9% before I start lean bulking. The cycle that I am currently running is as follows:
01 - 10 140mcg/ed Clenbuterol 3mg/ed Ketotifen
11 - 21 250mg Test-E/ew + Aromasin 12.5mg/ed + 250ui HCG 2/wk
22 - 24 Nothing
25 - 26 100mg/ed Clomid 40mg/ed Nolva
27 - 28 50mg/ed Clomid 20mg/ed Nolva
My current results is detailed in a Google document but to make it easy I have brought those results in here to make it easier for you (The one person reading this) to follow along.
Date 05-21-2013 05-26-2013 06-02-2013 06-09-2013 06-16-2013 06-23-2013 06-30-2013 07-07-2013 07-14-2013 Weight lbs 172 169.6 168.8 166.7 167.2 165.1 161.9 163.7 Weight Kg 78 76.9 76.6 75.6 75.9 74.9 73.5 74.3 Weight change lbs 0 -2.4 -0.8 -2.1 0.5 -2.1 -3.2 1.8 Weight change Kg 0 -1.1 -0.3 -1 0.23 -1 -1.4 0.8 Current_Calorie_Intake 1968 1968 1968 1881 1881 1753 1753 1753 1753 Macro breakdown P59%_F27%_C14% P59%_F27%_C14% P59%_F27%_C14% P74%_F19%_C7% P74%_F19%_C7% P67%_F28%_C5% P67%_F28%_C5% P67%_F28%_C5% P67%_F28%_C5% 120mcg clean
3mcg keto ED120mcg clean
3mcg keto ED120mcg clean
3mcg keto ED120mcg clean
3mcg keto ED
My current goal is to reach 9% body fat (or very close to it) before continuing on to my Test cycle. After this is will be a lean bulk cycle with a small amount of Test to ease into using AAS. I am going to do a small photo shoot when done with the test cycle and that is what I am working towards at the moment.
I am currently working out using Musclehacks THT 5.1 but doing a 6 day split instead of a 5 day split. My workout schedule is currently as follows:
I will update this blog whenever I feel like I need some motivation which currently is almost every darn day
Monday Shoulders and Traps Cardio Tuesday Legs Wednesday Triceps and Biceps Thursday Back Cardio Friday Pecs Cardio Saturday Abs Cardio Sunday Cardio
Stay tuned!