Awakening - what a difference
, 07-15-2013 at 06:53 AM (611 Views)
Hi guys,
I simply had to make an entry today after feeling awake again after stopping the use of ketotifen. I assumed this did not have much impact on me but I was very wrong. I took my last dose on Saturday and today Monday I feel like I am about to bounce off the walls. There is an absolutely incredible difference in how I am feeling. Makes me question the use of ketotifen instead of cycling Clenbuterol. One thing I will test as soon as I have a chance is to take this stack 1h before bed to see if I can get away from the, obviously, tired issue. Not sure if the Clenbuterol will keep me awake instead but I'll just have to try and see.
7 days until first pin and start of bulk cycle.
Stay tuned!