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An honest journey

New week, new diet, new goal

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by , 07-19-2013 at 04:21 AM (1080 Views)
Dear muscle fanatic friends,

Got some good advice in a few threads in how to best approach my illusion about what my body actually should look like. I settled on some advice from krugerr who said I might consider doing something that is in the middle of the estimates that were found in the Member Pictures section and what the guys who measured me locally found. This means I am setting my current BF at 17% and calculating my Macros from that. I needed a few days of the diet to sort of mentally refocus. This does not mean some sort of food extravaganza but just eat more normally. This "normal" eating will end on Sunday and have then been going for 5 days. I guess that is a 5 day setback but I feel I needed it.

My new diet is lower in calories of course as my TDEE have been recalculated. I will be eating around 1650 kcal/day and also doing a 4 day rotation diet to make sure the body do not get the same thing day after day and adjusts to it. Not sure if that one is true but it will be easier mentally I believe.

One other thing I am changing is a weigh-in everyday. This is of course not because it makes any sense to do so in terms of weight loss it is just to get a nicer Graph when I am done with this crazy diet. I am using a Withings scale so it records all this automagically on a website

Day 1 - 1672.5 kcal -- Macro FAT:19.10% CARBS:13.05% PROTEIN:67.85%
Day 2 - 1641.0 kcal -- Macro FAT:22.06% CARBS:14.82% PROTEIN:63.12%
Day 3 - 1679.5 kcal -- Macro FAT:30.80% CARBS:04.91% PROTEIN:64.30%
Day 4 - 1200.0 kcal -- Macro FAT:00.00% CARBS:00.00% PROTEIN:100.0%

I am taking 160mcg of Clenbuterol/ed and 2mcg of Ketotifen/ed during this time period. Might cut of the Ketotifen if I get to tired and simply do a old fashion 2 weeks on 2 weeks off cycle instead.

Weight loss is not easy. Of course, people on this website are proof that it works for many each and every day. I really want to join the ranks of ripped body with a decent amount of muscle and the amount of work that this takes is truly remarkable. No easy way out and like the old saying, if it was easy everyone would do it. I am simply not smart enough to give up :-)

Stay safe!
