Day 12 - Why blog post
, 08-02-2013 at 06:41 AM (510 Views)
Dear reader,
Today I will focus on something different in this blog post which is the blog itself. There are a few reasons I have a blog with the most obvious being accountability. There is also motivation, record keeping, and feedback to name a few. For anyone who have read my previous posts will notice that I write a lot about daughter, wife, and other external factors. There is not simply an entry with weight, height, and body fat percentage and a short description of the workout for that day. I am consciously writing about all these other factors because I strongly believe they are the key to success for me. I can to 99% control my food and training but there is no way to control the bizarre requests of a four year old or a wife with a very high level/power job. These are the things that I must learn to have integrated if I am going to succeed. Most people who go on a quest to, let’s say, have 9% body fat will never succeed, this is a fact. Many factors contribute to this but some simply set their goal to unachievable levels as a first step while others simply get tired of it after a while. While the advice I have received on this web site has been great there are simply no way any of that will matter unless I have my other stuff sorted out.
I believe I have found a good balance between my workout obsession and life in general with my mental part getting better and better for each day. I simply never look more than one day ahead. While I have a goal of 9% body fat before going on a Test-E cycle this is an overarching goal that is far off in my mind. The immediate goal is now, tomorrow and the day after that. One day at a time and count each day as a goal and success if all goes as planned. It simply becomes way to much otherwise, at least for me. This way of breaking down the plan in smaller parts seems to work real well and keeps my mind in check for what lies ahead and that is simply, a healthy and good looking body.
Prepared food for five days yesterday so I am all set this weekend which is something I will always do in the future to make sure I do not have to “think” on the weekends.
Pushed Pecs today at the gym but no cardio which will be on after tomorrows Abs workout.
Thanks for reading!