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An honest journey

Day 18 - Thinking about bulk diet and those pesky calorie recommendations

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by , 08-08-2013 at 05:17 AM (546 Views)
Dear reader,

As I am closing in on my bulk cycle (about 45 days away) I have been investigating the claim that 500 calories above TDEE is what one should eat. Except for being the accepted rule on these forums I can not find any science that is backing this up. I realize this is just a recommendation and one size do not fit all but I still decided to look into this a bit closer. Many people report gaining quite a bit of fat while adding the 500 calories above TDEE, why is that? Bottom line is that you are eating to much (Yeah I know, rocket science right there).

Adding to many calories will not increase muscle growth and if you think that extra cardio time will burn that you are mistaken. The only thing that the extra calories will accomplish is fat storage and prevent lean gains in strength and size.

If I were to add 12lbs of muscle in one year that would be a remarkable feat (I am referring to growth without AAS). 12lbs of pure muscle would make a huge difference in my physical appearance, not to mention my mental state would be quite awesome.

If I were to accomplish this how much weight would I need to add per week for this to happen? Simply divide 12/52 and we get 0.23lbs which come out to about 1/4lbs/week. So looking completely different after one year only requires adding 1/4lbs per week over the course of one year.

One pound of muscle is just about 600 calories which can be compared to about 3500 for one pound of fat. Most of this weight is water. I am not saying here that it takes 600 calories to build one pound of muscle only that one pound of muscle contains 600 calories.

1/4lbs is 150 calories per week and that is 38g of new protein for the body to use each week. This is 21.5 kcal/day or about 5g of protein/day. So why are we recommending 500kcal extra per day?

I will be starting my bulk cycle with 200kcal extra and increase if needed (Doubt I will need to) because this 500kcal is simply not making any mathematical or common sense IMO.

Progression update: Today was Back and Cardio day. Worked out real well and hoping that the scale will prove me right come Sunday!

Stay safe!
