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An honest journey

Day 26 - Wow

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by , 08-16-2013 at 01:37 PM (384 Views)
Dear reader,

On Monday I changed the way I eat my food. Cut the food during the day in half and moved those calories to the dinner and night snack. This have made a huge difference in the gym. I always workout somewhere between 10.30 - 12.00 and once I switched the diet I have had zero problem pushing way more weights in the gym. Today was bench press day and I pushed 4-6 more reps on ALL exercises, it was kind of unreal. Felt like Hercules for a day! This really goes to show what a big difference the type of food and times you eat it makes, at least for me. Could not be happier with this discovery as it will help me make the bulk diet even more precise and lean. Truly a great day!

Weigh-in and picture day tomorrow!
