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An honest journey

A blog detailing the physical as well as the mental challenges that comes along when embarking on a transformation project. Honesty is the key to this blog, nothing will be hidden, nothing will not be shared. Regardless of failure or success it will be documented to help others who are aspiring to do the same.

  1. New week, new diet, new goal

    by , 07-19-2013 at 04:21 AM (An honest journey)
    Dear muscle fanatic friends,

    Got some good advice in a few threads in how to best approach my illusion about what my body actually should look like. I settled on some advice from krugerr who said I might consider doing something that is in the middle of the estimates that were found in the Member Pictures section and what the guys who measured me locally found. This means I am setting my current BF at 17% and calculating my Macros from that. I needed a few days of the diet to sort of ...