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An honest journey

Day 69 - After vacation weigh-in, record set

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by , 09-30-2013 at 06:54 AM (777 Views)
Dear reader,

Not sure I have set a record but my after vacation weigh-in, for me, is the highest change in weight I have ever had over this short period of time.

Here is my values after 9 days vacation
Date 8/24/2013 9/1/2013 9/7/2013 9/21/2013 9/30/2013
Pounds 158 156.7 154.9 153.2 167.3
Kilograms 71.66 71.07 70.26 69.5 75.9
Lb change -0.1 -1.3 -1.8 -1.7 14.1
Kg change -0.04 -0.59 -0.81 -0.76 6.4
BF 15.64% 15.59% 15.9% - -
Looks insane in IMHO!

Back on training and diet today again! Just keep pushing, damn ;-)
