Authenticsteroids is a FRAUD
, 06-16-2011 at 08:50 AM (304 Views)
Authenticsteriods is a FRAUD. It is a SCAM. You will never recieve anything. I bought $375 for the first time they responded quickly when Western Union wouldn't let one of their people take the money and asked me to change the name to someone else. Thats were I should have seen it was a scam. Why else would Western Union block someone for recieving money. Well, I changed the name anyways like they asked me. They wrote baack quick with "will send the product right away" That was May 23, 2011 well its june 16 and I have not recieved anything. I wrote to them 10 days ago and they told me that the mail was retured to them because the package was broken. I thought to myself, " the p[ost office delivers even if it's broken and we are the ones to send it back'. I wrote to them 5 days ago to see if they resend it and have not yet recieved an answer. They were quike to respond to get the money but totally ignore me when I ask were my package is. Don't let the same thing happen to you. I would not buy from authenticsteriods the are a scam.