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5 x 5 training cycle

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by , 08-01-2010 at 02:46 PM (1468 Views)

squat 5x5 ramp weight to top set of 5 (equals fridays heavy triple)
bench 5x5 ramp weight to top set of 5 (equals fridays heavy triple)
bar rows 5x5 ramp weight to top set of 5 (equals fridays heavy triple)
hypers 2x12
sit ups 4x12


squat 4x5 1st 3 sets the same as monday, 4th set same as 3rd
military 4x5 ramp weight to top set of 5

deadlift 4x5 ramp weight to top set of 5

sit ups 3x12


squat 4x5,1x3,1x8
1st 4 sets the same as mondays, triple is 2.5% above mondays top set of 5, use weight from 3rd set for set of 8

bench 4x5,1x3,1x8
1st 4 sets the same as mondays, triple is 2.5% above mondays top set of 5, use weight from 3rd set for set of 8

bar rows4x5,1x3,1x8
1st 4 sets the same as mondays, triple is 2.5% above mondays top set of 5, use weight from 3rd set for set of 8

w8ed dips 3x5-8
bar curls 3x8
tri extensions 3x8

1, 3 and 5 Rep maxs for weeks 1-4

1 rep max 3 rep max 5 rep max
squat 260 lbs 240 lbs 225 lbs
bench 230 lbs 212 lbs 200 lbs
deadlift 390 lbs 360 lbs 340 lbs
row 185 lbs 171 lbs 161 lbs
military 165 lbs 152 lbs 144 lbs

SQUAT week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
monday 5x5 squat 225 lbs 230 lbs 236 lbs 242 lbs
wednesday 4x5 squat 225 lbs 230 lbs 236 lbs 242 lbs
friday 4x5 squat 225 lbs 230lbs 236 lbs 242 lbs
friday 1x3 squat 230 lbs 236 lbs 242 lbs 248 lbs
friday 1x8 squat 215 lbs 220 lbs 225 lbs 230 lbs

BENCH week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
monday 5x5 bench 200 lbs 205 lbs 210 lbs 215 lbs
friday 4x5 bench 200 lbs 205 lbs 210 lbs 215 lbs
friday 1x3 bench 205 lbs 210 lbs 215 lbs 220 lbs
friday 1x8 bench 180 lbs 190 lbs 200 lbs 205 lbs

DEADLIFT week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
wednesday 4x5 deadlift 340 lbs 348 lbs 357 lbs 366 lbs

ROW week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
monday 5x5 rows 161 lbs 165 lbs 169 lbs 173 lbs
friday 4x5 rows 161 lbs 165 lbs 169 lbs 173 lbs
friday 1x3 rows 165 lbs 169 lbs 173 lbs 177 lbs
friday 1x8 rows 140 lbs 150 lbs 155 lbs 160 lbs

MILITARY week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
wednesday 4x5 military 144 lbs 147 lbs 150 lbs 154 lbs

Weeks 5 - 8 / carry on from end of week 4

SQUAT week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8
monday 5x5 squat 248 lbs 256 lbs 262 lbs 268 lbs
wednesday 4x5 squat 248 lbs 256 lbs 262 lbs 268 lbs
friday 4x5 squat 248 lbs 256 lbs 262 lbs 268 lbs
friday 1x3 squat 256 lbs 262 lbs 268 lbs 275 lbs
friday 1x8 squat 230 lbs 235 lbs 240 lbs 245 lbs

BENCH week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8
monday 5x5 bench 220 lbs 225 lbs 231 lbs 237 lbs
friday 4x5 bench 220 lbs 225 lbs 231 lbs 237 lbs
friday 1x3 bench 225 lbs 231 lbs 237 lbs 243 lbs
friday 1x8 bench 200 lbs 205 lbs 210 lbs 215 lbs

DEADLIFT week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8
wednesday 4x5 deadlift 375 lbs 384 lbs 393 lbs 402 lbs

ROW week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8
monday 5x5 rows 177 lbs 181 lbs 185 lbs 190 lbs
friday 4x5 rows 177 lbs 181 lbs 185 lbs 190 lbs
friday 1x3 rows 181 lbs 185 lbs 190 lbs 195 lbs
friday 1x8 rows 160 lbs 165 lbs 165 lbs 170 lbs

MILITARY week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8
wednesday 4x5 military 158 lbs 162 lbs 166 lbs 170 lbs

Dieting techniques

Carb cycling to cut fat

after researching many carb cycling methods and getting advice from some senior members on the forums, i have written up two diet plans which both have days of low, moderate and high carb intake.

the only difference between the two diets is that one is for cutting fat whilst maintaining muscle, and the other is for gaining muscle whilst not adding to much undesirable fat.

note all the macros listed are adjusted to suit my personal TDEE...

Diet 1 - carb cycling for fat loss

monday - high carb
tuesday - moderate carb
wednesday - low carb
thursday - high carb
friday - moderate carb
saturday - low carb
sunday - low carb

Note, its always a good idea to train a muscle group you feel is lacking or needs more recovery on a high carb day. so personally i train my legs and back on the two high carb days, because i feel these muscles need more carbs and calories to recover....

protien and fat are kept the same throughout the whole week, the only change in total calories consumed for the day is through more/less carb intake...

so, as this diet plan is for fat loss my calories for moderate days are 20% below maintenaince.

so all i do is add 25% extra carbs on high days, and take away 25% carbs on low days.

on the high days, my calorie intake is still below maintenaince as i wish to lose fat.
low and moderate are also below maint...

here is an example of the macros for each day, bare in mind these are all for my needs...

carb cycling to lose fat

moderate days
pro - 300g 1200 kcal
carb - 215g 860 kcal
fat - 38g 342 kcal
total kcal - 2400 kcal

high days
pro - 300g 1200 kcal
carb - 270g 1080 kcal
fat - 38g 342 kcal
total kcal - 2622 kcal

low days
pro - 300g 1200 kcal
carb - 162g 648 kcal
fat - 38g 342 kcal
total kcal - 2190 kcal

50% of my carbs will be consumed imidiately post workout, this leaves me 25% for the morning and 25 % for my post workout meal.
This allows me to only 3 insulin spike during the day to minimize fat gain whilst cutting or bulking. also, im only consuming carbs when i need them ie ; post workout and in the morning (two times when insulin sensitivity is optimal).

The remaining 3 of my meals will be comprised of lean protiens and healthy fats, including flax and nut oil to further aid fat loss...

below is how each day would look...

mod day low day high day

meal 1 meal 1 meal 1
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
carb 50g carb 40.5g carb 67.5

meal 2 meal 2 meal 2
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
fat 10g fat 10g fat 10g

meal 3 meal 3 meal 3
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
fat 10g fat 10g fat 10g

meal 4 meal 4 meal 4
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
fat 10g fat 10g fat 10g

post wo post wo post wo
pro 50g pro 50g pro 50g
carb 105g carb 81g carb 135g

meal 6 meal 6 meal 6
pro 50g pro 50g pro 50g
carb 50g 40.5g carb 67.5

meal 7 meal 7 meal 7
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
fat 7.5g fat 7.5g fat 7.5g

Carb cycling to gain mass with minimal fat gain

the principles for carb cycling to gain mass are exactly the same, only difference being that my my calorie intake exceeds maintenaince by 10% as i wish to add lean muscle tissue....

below is my meal plan for mass gaining using the carb cycling method...

moderate days
pro - 300g 1200 kcal
carb - 300g 1200 kcal
fat - 100g 900 kcal
total kcal - 3300 kcal

high days
pro - 300g 1200 kcal
carb - 375g 1500 kcal
fat - 100g 900 kcal
total kcal - 3600 kcal

low days
pro - 300g 1200kcal
carb - 225g 900 kcal
fat - 100g 900 kcal
total kcal - 3000 kcal

mod day low day high day

meal 1 meal 1 meal 1
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
carb 75g carb 56g carb 94g

meal 2 meal 2 meal 2
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
fat 25g fat 25g fat 25g

meal 3 meal 3 meal 3
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
fat 25g fat 25g fat 25g

meal 4 meal 4 meal 4
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
fat 25g fat 25g fat 25g

post wo post wo post wo
pro 50g pro 50g pro 50g
carb 150g carb112.5g carb187.5g

meal 6 meal 6 meal 6
pro 50g pro 50g pro 50g
carb 75g carb 56 carb 94

meal 7 meal 7 meal 7
pro 40g pro 40g pro 40g
fat 25g fat 25g fat 25g

to be continued...

Updated 08-10-2010 at 02:59 AM by the big 1

