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1st anavar cycle

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by , 11-05-2012 at 03:41 PM (803 Views)
Hi all,

Not sure where meant to post this so apologise firstly if in wrong area,

First of all my stats

Height 5,9
Weight 171 lbs
Bf currently 16% hopefully be back down to about 11%-12% in a few weeks time by time anavar arrives,

Currently working from training program and diet plan that ive been doing for couple of years with changing workouts and diet about to shock my system so doesnt get to familiar with my diet and workout, currently working out 6 days a week with 5 days weight training and incorporating 20 mins on treadmill doing hiit training after my workouts and on 6 day no weights do a 12 mile road run,

Kind of let training slip for a few months after taking part in tough mudder then went on holiday after that for 2 weeks so be back in swing of things now ,

After holiday my bf went up to 22% so after 3 weeks back and down to 16% now , and normally have bf sitting between 11%-12%

Considered for a while about taking anavar after a lot of research about what it's gains are for taking it as just seem to get myself to a stage were just cant achieve that complete shredded always get my body to condition that is toned and but not to a condition giving me a really good six pack and complete fully hard muscle definition!

Just ordered first cycle of anavar and plan on doing a 6 week cycle at 30 for first week then 40 for the rest of the cycle then look to clomid for 2 weeks after my cycle ending,

Looking If anyone can advice me and give more info about my cycle I am going to be starting and if I should change or add to my cycle, or anything else that could be helpful and benefit me, not aiming to get huge more looking to get bf down to 8-9 percent which have always struggled to do and just have a hard defined condition, researched a lot online and especially on this forum and have found good info, joined this site as seems really good knowledge and being able to interact with people in understanding your situation and very helpful


  1. Thomas1985's Avatar
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    Age 27
    Diet currently have 6-7 meals a day can give diet info if required
  2. jakeaintabunt's Avatar
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    what lab did you order from online?