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1st cycle.....looking for serious info and suggestions

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by , 09-26-2011 at 02:49 PM (320 Views)
I'm looking to start my first cycle soon and am looking for some info from the guys who have been doing this for a while. I'm not looking to get huge. I'm looking to have more of a competitive edge while gaining and keeping 10 lbs of lean muscle. My goal is to be 212 and still able to keep a 5:30-6:00 mile run time for 3-4 miles. I'm also not looking to go on long cycles. I know that I won't gain alot but I will be able to recover and go on another cycle soon after; 4-5 wks on 4-5 weeks off. I have trained with guys who have cycled before but I didn't want to start getting into it until I was at least 26. Below are my stats, gear I will be using, general diet, 2 possible cycles, and additional gear that I can use if you think it would be better.

202 lbs
28 yrs
10% body fat
9 yrs of serious training (Div 1 atlete and now semi pro)

Test Cyp 200
Sust 250
D-bol (5mg and 10 mg)
Nolv (PCT)
Clomid (PCT)

Cycle 1
Wk 1-4: 400 mg/wk Test Cyp
Wk 1-4: 30 mg Dbol
Wk 6: Clomid (100 mg ED)
Wk 7: Clomid (50 mg ED)
**I will keep Nolv on hand during cycle for any gyno

Cycle 2
Wk 1-4: 500 mg/wk Sust
Wk 1-4: 30 mg Dbol
Wk 6: Clomid (100 mg ED)
Wk 7: Clomid (50 mg ED)
**I will keep Nolv on hand during cycle for any gyno

Diet (very general I know this isn't the best. I'll be looking to intake 4000 calories per day of high protein, good carbs, with low sugar/salt))

Meal 1: Egg whites, oatmeal, small protein shake
Meal 2: 6 oz of lean chicken breast, fruit
Meal 3: Broccoli, white fish, protein shake
Meal 4: 6 oz lean chicken/steak, sweet potato
Meal 5: 6 oz lean steak/fish, baby spinach, fruit, collie flower
Meal 6: Protein shake

Thanks fellas I appreciate your input. Once I get a solid cycle I will post before pics and update the results.
