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Back Muscle Advice

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by , 09-11-2011 at 10:09 PM (551 Views)
I'm feeling awesome about my gains both in size and strength right now, but I'm noticing a size difference between my left Lats and Teres compared to that of my right. I do my back lifts slow obviously to get a great squeeze, but also to keep good form. I do both joined and isolated workouts. Is there something else I can do to try to bridge the gap in size between the left side of my back and the right?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



  1. juice box's Avatar
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    Ronny coleman had the same thing do to a pitched nerve maybe that is whats up bro..........
  2. rhino6218's Avatar
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    try looking in the mirror when doing exercises on your weaker side. i know that sounds dumb but mind to muscle connection is very real. visiual contact with the muscle worked increases motor neurons in that particular area. also try stretching the weaker side 3x times per day to increase blood flow along with doing isolated pull down exercises. i had the same trouble with my left lat for about a year until i started doing so... hope this helps man.
  3. Tyger's Avatar
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    AWESOME. Thank you so much man, I'm going to start doing these things right away. I really appreciate the reply.