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New to steroids

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by , 11-24-2011 at 08:43 PM (924 Views)
I am new to the use of steroids. I am 46 years old. 5'8" 225lb. I bench 425lb. Shoulder press is with 135lb dumbells.
I am using:
40mg dianabol each day for 4 weeks
1 cc sustanon eod
.5 cc deca eod

I just started this cycle and I have gained 8lbs in 8 days. I would like to gain some strength and cut at the same time. Should I be taking some Wynstrol?


  1. Lemonada8's Avatar
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    For a first cycle, you should have just gone with the sust. In fact i would drop all but that. Especially the deca...
    You are going to get good results on it alone. Another thing is that doses are done in mg, not cc's. A cc is just an amount of liquid but the mg is the amount of drug and with different concentrations of the compounds available there is no way to determine what the dosage you are using.

    Have you done PCT research? That would be wise to put up there also. What about use of HCG on cycle?

    With your age, have you been tested for 'low testosterone', you may be a canidate for TRT...

    I bet most of the weight you have gained is water weight (with the dbol, and deca).

    Do you have a AI on hand for side effects that may happen? Also, if you dont heed my advice and stay on the deca, you may need some estrogen control to help prevent any other issues that can arise from the use of deca. Deca is a 19-nor, aka progestin, steroid and those are very VERY suppressive to natural test production and a strong PCT is needed to recover from usage.

    No you shouldnt start taking winistrol.

    How is your diet? what is your BF%? those are other issues that can play a part in how your body reacts to the AAS and may increase the chance of severe sides.

    Think of the first time u drink, when beer does the trick just fine why drink beer AND vodka AND moonshine AND wine? Theres no need to.

    Best of luck and I hope you are well educated, and if not then begin some research ASAP. Messing with your endocrine system isnt like taking a rec drug where its gone in a few days, you are temporarily suppressing your natural production of hormones which play a large part in normal life and doing this in an uneducated fashion can lead to severe life long issues.