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has anyone heard of a peptide called TB 500?

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by , 03-26-2011 at 05:40 PM (1680 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by Kaytime View Post
my friend has 4 boxes of this and they use them on horses but some people use them aswel. i went on the sight and it has some good information on what it does to horses like

# Increase muscle growth with huge increases in endurance and strength noted
# Relaxed muscle spasm
# Improved muscle tone
# Increase the exchange of substance between cells
# Encourage tissue repair
# Stretches connective tissue
# Helps maintain flexibility
# Reduces inflammation of tissue in joint
# Enhances nutritional components in the animal
# Prevents the formations of adhesions and fibrous bands in muscles, tendons and ligaments.

if anyone has used this can you please give me info. how much to use and what days ect.


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