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Anavar only cycle

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by , 04-07-2011 at 04:31 AM (2317 Views)
I am starting an avanvar only cycle at 60mg/day for 8 weeks. The reason why I have chosen anavar only is because I want to try and stay away from sides as much as possible. Also I think I train hard enough and diet well enough to see good enough gains off this cycle. I will be taking creatine monohydrate as well along side the var and multivitamins as well.

Here are some of my stats pre-cycle:

weight: 200lbs
Height: 6"1ft
Weightlifting Experiennce: 2 years

Max Squat: 140kg
Max Dealift: 180kg
Max Bench: 100kg

Ill keep photos posted along side news about strengh gains, fat loss and vascularity for all those who are thinking about var. .
Tags: anavar, var


  1. JasonCFT's Avatar
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    considering doing the same. keep us posted how it goes
  2. wilshere's Avatar
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    im now 3 weeks into the cycle, if noticed slight fat loss and vascularity however i am bulking so i didnt expect too much of this anyway. I have put on 4.5kg in bodyweight so far and it is definatly lean as my strengh has gone through the roof, i have put 20kg on my squat, 20kg on my bent over row and 20kg on my bench, I am also recovering very fast after workouts.
  3. wilshere's Avatar
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    ok 2 weeks to go i have put on 7.5kg so far all lean, I am lifting my old 1 rep max's for reps now which is good news as well. No problems apart from a slightly surporessed appitite, and a bit of elbow joint and forearm trouble probably due to them lifting much heavier weights in such a short time period.