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by , 01-19-2012 at 04:49 AM (435 Views)
Ok I am 27 and I suffered some injuries while in the service. The surgeries actually caused me weight loss not gain. I am physically conditioned but no supplements have helped me put back on the weight which means I'm not building new muscle on my shoulders which have replaced and desperately need muscle. I have researched PCT options but don't know which one would be the best o e to use to promote the natural test to maintain. The drs gave me low grade steroids before I got out and those did work moderately well. But now my next question is which stack should I start with for my first 12 week cycle. Please don't be ignorant and berate me I have my research and know the risks in this and I am trying to get myself to pre-injury status. And yes I have been going to the gym for years so I know my own workout routine and which ones work the best. I just really need answers on what the best things for me would be (not going to ask the staff at my gym may not go over well)
