first cycle, advice, not into the whole stacking thing
, 01-24-2012 at 03:00 AM (260 Views)
Ok so i'm really green here. i don't want to do injectibles, i split a 50 capsule pouch of anadrol from northern pharma with buddy, to do basically a 3 week cycle with it, with 4 pills leading up split in half for 8 days before i take the full pill a day for 21 days I don't want to get crazy big, but want to put on some quick mass, and then tone it for the ultimate beach body, so i am gonna follow up with anavar for 6- 8 weeks after that, to get lean quality and cut. will this work for what i want? And before everyone asks, i'm not taking test with this, it's cheap, and i know i will get alot of critics about this post, but i want to know if it will work for what i want to do, and what i can expect to hold onto if i stay working in the gym after i finish. also do i really need pct after this short cycle especialy when ending with anavar.