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Opinion on a test cyp, primo, winny cycle

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by , 03-04-2011 at 10:04 AM (423 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by Zimas83 View Post
Hello everyone,

I'm 27, 171 cm, 73 kg with an av bfp of 14%
I'm planing my second cycle (I had a deca cycle 10 years back)
It's a 12 weak cycle as follows

Wk 1-12. 400 gm primo (200 twice a weak)
Wk 1-12 400 gm test cyp (200 twice a weak)
Wk 7-12 50gm winny ed
Wk 3-12 250 gm hcg twice a weak
Wk 3-12 0.5 arimidex eod


Wk 14-18 nolva 40/40/20/20

I'll be taking protein shakes and amino acids supplement along

Can you please add your comments and feedback on the above
