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  1. #1
    timidator34 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Exclamation Experienced Advice On Hgh Dosages

    i just came off my 3rd cycle. i have been doing some research on gh the pros and the cons. i just wanted to get good personal experience on how many iu's of hgh i should take a day for this being my first time ever using it, and if there is a certain time i need to take it during the day.. some told me start @ 4 , 2 , even 8iu's. i know the shit aint cheap so if some one could guide me the right way i would appreciate it.

    also if u could tell me how long to cycle and what kind of results on average i should expect that would be great. any orther extra info i should know feel free to elaborate.. thanks in advance

    height- 5'11"
    bf around 11-13%
    training for 3 years and have pretty good diet.
    last cylce-sust@750wk, deca @600 wk, anadrol first 6 wks, pct hcg and adex..

  2. #2
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2007

    ^^Everything you need to know is in there. Put forth some effort, no one will spoon feed it to you.

  3. #3
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2002
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    Def. don't start with 8iu's bro. You'll be hurtin. Just some basics, start at 2 and ramp up 1 or 2 iu's a week. 4 is the minimum for 4-6 months to see fat loss. 8-10 is the sweet spot and run it as long as you can. Over 3 iu's you split the dosages early morning and afternoon. Red Baron's post is and excellent guideline. He taught me alot but it is not the end all be all on GH info. There are many protocols people try for cutting and bulking. For example, personally I like 6-10iu's or whatever I can afford ED but right now I'm trying a larger dose 3 days a week IM PWO with slin and IGF.

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