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Thread: Mutli-dosing R insulin

  1. #1
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    Mutli-dosing R insulin

    So as many of you know, I'm taking the OTC Walmart brand relion R.

    I am upping my units today to 14, I did 10 on arm day last Friday, everything went well.

    This slin takes about 1.15 hours to hit me, so would it make sense to pin pre and post, or could I get away with one dose pre, since the slin hits you again 2hrs later when I would eat after the gym?

    As the dosages go up, I would assume splitting is more safer, unless its lantus or something?

    BTW, I already took 7 just a few mins ago just to be safe and not hit myself with 14 straight

    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 10-22-2018 at 08:10 AM.

  2. #2
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Any noticeable effects already?

  3. #3
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    Yes, recovery... When I wasnt' taking slin, and being on no anabolics, I had Newb-like soreness... Now I recovery faster.
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 10-22-2018 at 09:11 AM.

  4. #4
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    I takes about 1.5 hours to start lowing my I'm not sure how I should time this.. I basically shoot it, then wait till I see and drop, then eat carbs. If I shot this 30 mins before workout, it wouldn't kick in until after my workout

  5. #5
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I'll just give the protocol I use using the same insulin around the workout window.

    eat my pre-workout meal which contains 60+ g of carbs and protein.
    .wait 1 hour

    Pin 10iu of insulin at home as I'm getting ready to leave for the gym
    drink my intra workout shake slowly during my Wo. containing 50g of carbs, 10g EAAs, 5g Creatine, 10g glutamine

    1.5-2+ hours later I'm home from my workout.
    Pin 15iu of insulin.
    drink 40g of whey isolate
    consume 50g of carbs

    2 hours later. eat a solid meal , high protein high carb.

  6. #6
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    I see.

    My question is, if the insulin peaks at 2hrs, it wouldn't even peak during the workout, so doesn't that defeat the purpose?

    I figured I take the slin, then wait 1.5 hrs, eat carbs and start intrashake during workout.

    I just pinned another 7, having protein and carbs pwo

  7. #7
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    just because R insulin has its highest blood levels at about the 2 hour mark, does NOT mean its not working before that point. it just means at the 2 hour mark is essentially when ALL 10iu of a 10iu injection is in the blood stream (in simple terms). but 30 mins after you inject it, insulin is entering the blood stream and doing its job.

    your body can't magically assimilate 100 grams of carbs (meaning you can't eat two bagels and it go directly into your blood stream in 5 minutes). it assimilates in digestion and its slowly entering the blood stream. perhaps after an hour or so of consumption all 100 grams have been assimilated (depends on what you eat with it).

    Likewise, our body really has no need for 10iu of insulin all at once. its going to do its job 'slowly' (even though R insulin is considered short acting). as your consuming your carbs you may only need 1iu of insulin, then later maybe another 1 or 2, etc..

    If your body over a 2 hour period takes 100 grams of carbs, using 10iu of insulin, and drives that all into muscle tissue and accomplishes its job.. it doesn't matter if that job took 5 minutes or 2 hours. the end result is the same.

    so I wouldn't get caught up 'too much' on the timing and getting everything centered around the 'peak'.

    heck some guys will just run Lantus, which is a slow 24 hour insulin, and drive those carbs into muscle on an hour to hour day to day basis with no regards to timing... I still think the workout timing window and slin protocol for that is optimal (but you can combine the two protocols as well).
    the idea is, the slin is going to do its job no matter what . once it gets into your blood stream, it has no choice but to drive nutrients. period.

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    heres an example that may help you understand where I'm coming from on this.
    so my above protocol is 10iu pre workout and 15iu post workout.. ok thats optimal and is a Milos style protocol. it works.

    NOW , I've just decided that on chest training days I'm going to be running an additional 10iu of Slin those days. but I'm not going to change my pre and post workout insulin protocol at all . I'm NOT adding 10iu of slin to that protocol. that protocol is already optimized for what I'm doing.
    What I'll do is add 10iu of slin in the morning (I workout in the evening). Then I'll simply add more calories/carbs on chest day. theres no specific purpose to the timing here.. the goal is simply to try to force my nutrients in, using insulin and food, on the days I train chest.

    I'm not worried about the peak of that additional 10iu of slin. or trying to time it just right. I'm simply going to run it and get my calories in, and know the insulin and calories are going to do its job that day.

  9. #9
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    Got ya.

    Thanks for the explaination.

    Will follow your protocol of 10iu and 15pwo when I build up to it.

    BTW, how long can one stay on SLIN? I'm hearing 4 week on and off, and different kinds of things

  10. #10
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    if your running slin ONLY for your workouts and on workout days only then you can run it fairly long , 6-8 weeks. then take time off

    if your running slin as a nutrient partitioner daily at high dosages to help put on size, then 4-6 weeks.

    if your running slin at a very low dose to counter some of the effects of HGH use or for fat loss effects (talking 3iu only) then you can run it long term.

    keep in mind insulin use can also be used for 'anti aging' purposes. so long term low dose use is NOT the same as pounding 25iu of slin in a 2 hour period. the former can be used long term , and the latter short term.

  11. #11
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    Yea, that's all I'm doing is WO days.

  12. #12
    Oneup81 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if your running slin ONLY for your workouts and on workout days only then you can run it fairly long , 6-8 weeks. then take time off

    if your running slin as a nutrient partitioner daily at high dosages to help put on size, then 4-6 weeks.

    if your running slin at a very low dose to counter some of the effects of HGH use or for fat loss effects (talking 3iu only) then you can run it long term.

    keep in mind insulin use can also be used for 'anti aging' purposes. so long term low dose use is NOT the same as pounding 25iu of slin in a 2 hour period. the former can be used long term , and the latter short term.
    If you don't mind me asking since I have some on the way. How do you feel about lantis in the morning and Humalog pre-workout? I take Humalog by itself anywhere between 10 to 12IU's. Considering that what would you suggest on the dosage of Lantus, and should I drop the dosage of Humalog little bit? Keep in mind I consume a lot of carbohydrates when on insulin both fast-acting and complex.

    Also how do you feel about lr3 when on insulin, and the best time to take it?

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  13. #13
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oneup81 View Post
    If you don't mind me asking since I have some on the way. How do you feel about lantis in the morning and Humalog pre-workout? I take Humalog by itself anywhere between 10 to 12IU's. Considering that what would you suggest on the dosage of Lantus, and should I drop the dosage of Humalog little bit? Keep in mind I consume a lot of carbohydrates when on insulin both fast-acting and complex.

    Also how do you feel about lr3 when on insulin, and the best time to take it?

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
    great question

    IF your overall goal is growth and your running a high carb hyper-caloric diet, then I think running them together is a good idea (especially if running HGH at the same time).

    you could run 10iu of Lantus in the morning, and you could even run another 5iu of Lantus in the evening (theres a reason for this, especially while running HGH.. I can explain later).
    you'll do that . plus run your normal Humalog protocol with your pre and post workout nutrition as well as with your 'cheat meals'.

    again I see no problem with this, its practiced quite often and is one of the reasons Lantus has gotten so popular in the bodybuilding world.


    thats a great stack for growth..

    As for IGF . what I really like IGF for is to use it during your off times from insulin. basically when you give your body a break from insulin, you then implement IGF in a very similar fashion as you would insulin. it essentially becomes your nutrient partitioner 'like insulin' was (um, yeah I wonder why its called 'insulin like' growth factor , I.G.F.).

    now you could run IGF with your insulin stack. but hypo-glycemia becomes an even greater concern. I don't recommend doing this unless its all stacked together in synergy , so you need both hypo-glycemic and hyper-glycemic compounds together.
    insulin - hypo-glycemic
    IGF - hypo-glycemic
    HGH - hyper-glycemic
    MK677 - hyper-glycemic
    DNP - hyper-glycemic

    this way you have some of the compounds off setting each other (and yes there is a "magic" formula where you can use a protocol with these compounds together with DNP to get very BIG and LEAN, with even less side effects then running these compounds solo). but thats 'far out there' brother

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