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  1. #1
    Boost n Juice's Avatar
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    Newbie with Melanotan II

    Hey bros...I know there's a thread 7 threads down, but there weren't any real answers...Any help I greatly appreciate...As soon as these questions are answered I was going to buy the stuff...

    I was looking to buy some of this and can't find any info...Found a site that sells it for $65/10mg...I know NOTHING of when to use the stuff or how to do injections...

    1. What size needles did you buy? Anything else I need besides needles? I was going to buy mine from AAR...

    2. Where do you inject the needle? Stomach?

    3. How much does one inject? I'm 6'0 and 215lbs...

    4. How often does one inject? Every other day?

    5. How much should I buy/How long can I be on it for? Do you need to cycle it?

    6. When is the best time of day to inject it? Morning empty stomach?

    7. If this is the only thing in my system (no drugs or juice) will MelanotanII make me fail a piss drug test?

    Thanks bros

  2. #2
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boost n Juice
    Hey bros...I know there's a thread 7 threads down, but there weren't any real answers...Any help I greatly appreciate...As soon as these questions are answered I was going to buy the stuff...

    I was looking to buy some of this and can't find any info...Found a site that sells it for $65/10mg...I know NOTHING of when to use the stuff or how to do injections...

    1. What size needles did you buy? Anything else I need besides needles? I was going to buy mine from AAR... Insulin needle.. 29-31gauge

    2. Where do you inject the needle? Stomach? Subq in stomach area works great
    3. How much does one inject? I'm 6'0 and 215lbs... I've listed a chart, see below
    4. How often does one inject? Every other day? I suggest Every day, you could go EOD as well.
    5. How much should I buy/How long can I be on it for? Do you need to cycle it? You'll need approx. 30mg.. see below.

    6. When is the best time of day to inject it? Morning empty stomach? some ppl prefer nighttime because it gives them nausia. I didn't have that problem so I split it morning+ night, expect some serious 2-3hr boners though.

    7. If this is the only thing in my system (no drugs or juice) will MelanotanII make me fail a piss drug test? Not that I know of.

    Thanks bros
    -B D

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  3. #3
    Boost n Juice's Avatar
    Boost n Juice is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks a lot bro! Any other advice you think I may need? Also, which do you think would provide darker color for someone with Type 1 skin (white as a ghost, never tans) Melanotan or MelanotanII?

  4. #4
    Boost n Juice's Avatar
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    One last question(for now, lol)...It appears the site I'm getting it from sells it in powdered form...What do I use to make it into a liquid, distilled water?

  5. #5
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    BW (Bacteriostatic water), you can order from site sponsor.

    Also I'd get MTII because I don't know much about MelanotanI. I used MTII and you see my results in the thread I listed. That was using 2mg/day.
    -B D

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  6. #6
    Boost n Juice's Avatar
    Boost n Juice is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks again bro...

    Thought of another question...

    You say I should buy 30mg, at my weight, that equals a total of 15, 2mg injections...So I do 15 injections, then take 15 days off? For cycle two, do I do the same 2mg dosages?

  7. #7
    BullDogg20's Avatar
    BullDogg20 is offline Member
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    lol i am still confused

  8. #8
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    lol.. no after the 15days you should be good.. look at my log and you'll see I'm holding my color nicely and it's been atleast a month since my last inject. You need to research more IMO before you use this compound.. it's not for everyone.
    Take a bit of time and read these threads over.. plenty of info.
    -B D

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  9. #9
    Boost n Juice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    lol.. no after the 15days you should be good.. look at my log and you'll see I'm holding my color nicely and it's been atleast a month since my last inject. You need to research more IMO before you use this compound.. it's not for everyone.
    Take a bit of time and read these threads over.. plenty of info.
    Thanks bro...I've spent some time over at but couldn't find any good info...guess I just need to look harder...

  10. #10
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    That's where I found 90% of my info so I know it's there.. you just gotta start reading and sifting through the bullshit. Same with this site.
    -B D

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  11. #11
    LX-1's Avatar
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    dude, just go regular tanning,. heard too many bad stopries about melanotan, not worth the risk.

    "dude..why the hell are you on this board still? Are you aware your crap melanotan bullshit product gave me a dysplastic nevus right in the middle of my ****ing forehead asshole? (from a biopsy that was done in that area by my dermatologist) I took your crap for 2 weeks and this is what I get, plus 50-75 other dark moles or whatever the hell my plastic surgeon tells me they are going to be, of which he'll need to remove, and if I dont they can turn into "severe malignencies." This shit can kill people and you claim it's safe, with many pubmed studies..and yet these studies were all done outside of the united states you ****in ****!!! Maybe you realize now why it's STILL in stage two of clinical testing and not approved ya damn cheap ass knucklehead??? Mods..why havent you guys banned him as yet? ranting..and I hardly ever extremely intelligent, friendly and well, me and my dad are worth over 8 million in total assets to be exact, we are a team, and he is a CPA and im an accountant, and my uncle is one of the best lawyers in chicago, and my best friend is a private investigator In New York to be quite honest, so unless you want ME to sue you personally and everything related to this melanotan you endorse, incorrigibly I suggest you stop posting on here & OSBB/SSB etc by Monday, May 15th. If you'd prefer I can get my buddy dareem charles top 10 IFBB PRO in the world himself to examine this ostentatious product and your claims to it tomorrow at La fitness here in south fla tomorrow around 6:30 Pm since that's when I see him there. Im sure he'd be more than HAPPY to put this in Muscular Development (since he has ties to the editor, and well, every magazine tied to health, you asshole) in the SCAMMER SECTION and who to look out for (as you know, regular bigtime scammers are put in here) bet the FEDS/DEA would LOVE this to jump on! Or, if you'd rather me leave the above alone and forget everything I just said...your option is this...: If I continue to see you on these two boards, to be exact, and well, any for that matter endording melanotan, well..i think you know what im going to do brother, and ill be happy doing it ..i love making $$$ If i was a true asshole Id of done this a couple weeks ago when I noticed these spots, but since im actually a friendly, nice guy on giving you an option to get lost...
    P.S: I have nothing against you, just your product and your lying claims...
    I dont care what bullshit you have to say to backup more lies, your options are above and i WILL NOT make ANY exceptions whatsoever!! NONE!!! It's now 4:50 AM my time, you have exactly 24 hours to delete yourself from here, OSBB, SSB, and the like...

    have a nice day!! :-)

    Mods, no need to make this a sticky, its fine, you mods or myself (whoever does it first) can delete it in 48 hours (if that's cool with you fine mods :-) And if you like, make a short sticky on what to look out for (injectable HATE to see more members become prone to having severe malignancies and having to see a plastic surgeon which costs $$$ to get this shit removed, and let's remember, im naturally dark, and its alot more likely to happen to a light colored person, in other words, stay away from this product!). If anyone wants to back up this guy, thats great, it did get me dark but THIS is the consequences i paid! In my 5 + yrs of tanning 2+ times a week for 20 mins each session ive never once gotten a mole, and this product gave me 50-100 moles (or cancer spots, not sure what all of them are yet) in 1-3 days time, for 2 weeks i was fine then it happened all of a sudden in 72 hrs time i acquired around 75-100 spots from a dot size to the size of a pencil eraser, on all parts of my body, its devestating. This is one of the only products I know of that can easily induce cancer and life threatening conditions so quickly that its scary..."

  12. #12
    BullDogg20's Avatar
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    lol i guess that answers my question

  13. #13
    Boost n Juice's Avatar
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    The reason for me wanting melantan is because I don't tan, ever...I'm white as a ghost...I've tried bronzers, they have a boat load of problems...Worst is the fact that they rub off when I sweat (during lifting) or swim in a pool...Melantan WILL acheive the color I want...I heard tons of people say great things with the only side effects being darker moles/freckles, long hard-ons, and nuasia...Then I've read about two people having problems with the moles...I like to find out how common the moles are, for all we know only 2 people have had the problem...I wonder if they were allegic to it or if they got a bad batch of melontan...

  14. #14
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Hard to say since neither of these ppl had it tested before or after use that I know of.. so how do they know they really got melanotanII? This subject is very controversial, I can't comment because I haven't went to the doctor and had him check me for cancer or anything of the sort.. but I am quite happy with results I'll tell you that much.
    -B D

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