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Thread: ACL replacement

  1. #1
    boilermaker is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008

    ACL replacement

    I just had my ACL replaced in late september. Has anyone else had their ACL replaced? How long was it before you started training heavy again. I am done with physical therapy. the knee feels great just wondering if anybody could help. I am tired of having a 25 inch thigh!

  2. #2
    Tri26 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    Ive had both done. What method of graft did you use? There is patellar tendon, hamstring or cadaver. Youre done with pt so Im guessing your about 4 months out. Keep it light for quite a while. You are actually at the most dangerous point right now because the graft has weakened since surgery. The graft takes a while to establish a blood flow. That is just starting to happen now. Until it gets fully established the graft weakens. So, give it a year or so until you really start pounding it. Its gonna be about 18 months before you really feel good about the knee. You can do leg presses and light squats. But stay away from excercises like leg extensions. they place a lot of shearing pressure on the knee. a few other things will influence your recovery, age, youth obviously helps. and your conditioning before surgrey. But dont rush it dude. Youll pay for it later. and you definately dont want to reinjure.

  3. #3
    allnall12 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008

    acl here

    I had mine done late summer of 2005. I was in PT with other college athletes, a bodybuilder, and a pro.

    Unless you are on serious GH from the beginning it really is 12-18 months.

    months 6-12 from what all the trainers tell me is the time that a bodybuilder can and will tear the new tendon

    Your connective tissues, stabilizer muscles are going to be in top shape. Your quads, hams, and calves have probably had lots of high rep sets and feels as good as new.

    IT IS NOT!!!! that tendon takes over 12 months to really start strengthening.

    For quad size, very very slow eccentric portion of the rep -

    high weight, low rep, explosive moovements together or seperate is not an option this early in your recovery

    if you MUST go heavy - leg presses - super slow - and super controlled

    I watched a football player blow through 3 tendons in less than 5 years.

    hgh if you can get it!!!!!!!

    hope i could help

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