Hello There

I had a knee injury long time ago, nothing big but at this time after 10 years I had another one, cartilage rather than meniscus and I had 3 OPs the last 12 months one of them was OATS (osteoarticular transfer system) and I did lost 50% the muscle on my rigth leg because of lack of exercises.
I did get back on gym 5 month ago but I do not feel that confident to run yet and I can't to be honest because I did not get the leg strong enough until now, I did speak with great Sport Doctors. Incredible but two of those told me that I should get a steroid cycle to help gain the muscle on the leg to help the recovery and avoid the pains caused by weak leg.
I am really considering that possibility but I would a help from you guys because I know we have great people with knowlodge. My tones muscles are appearing, but I need this cycle to get better quickly and avoid another lesion by the weakness of the leg.
Thanks a lot for the help.

Ps: I do fisio every week, some exemplo:
Exercise: treatment of shock( compex), 30min bike weighing level between 9 and 13. Treatment with ice and moderate weight lifting.