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  1. #1
    BgMc31's Avatar
    BgMc31 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Vegas, bitches!!!

    Tore my fvckin Pec...

    On close grip bench. What pisses me off is I wasn't even using a ton of weight. I was working for explosive power, doing working sets of 3x8 with 355. The weight was easy but on the last set and rep number two, I felt a crunching in my chest. I racked the weight and iced it immediately. I didn't bruise for two days (I am very dark skinned black guy) and I still have full range of motion and very little pain. But since I noticed the bruising I know its a tear, albeit, I believe, a minor one. Anyone know how to rehab it properly?

  2. #2
    mick86's Avatar
    mick86 is offline Member
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    I tore my left pec (grade 2 tear) a few years back under very similar circumstance though at the time could only bench around 110kg. Made a full recovery, took around 2 months to get back to benching 60kg, 3 months to reach 100kg. Atm ( a few years down the track) I'm benching 145kg-160kg for sets.

    For rehab i focused on bringing blood and nutrients into the muscle asap, doing floor db press initially just 0.5kg each hand. used to do around 30-50 reps or so once or twice a day. i kept in the high reps like this though increased the weight gradually then eventually also started decreasing the reps. Also used to do pushups with my hands against a wall, so pretty much vertical, then as time passed gradually moved legs further away. Next step was floor bar bell press, initially i just used a light stool for resistance. once this progressed moved on to bench db, then bench barbell work. in the early stages i wanted to limit range of movement thus all the floor work, elbows cant go past the floor.

    I was back at the gym the next day after he tear though was very limited in what i could do, from memory things like seated row were alright. The last exercises to be comfortable were chin ups and chest flys due to the stretch component.

    Btw I took glutamine daily in the hopes of assisting the muscle repair. then when i was able to bench 100kg comfortably for sets ran a test/deca cycle.

    Hope that offers some assistance.

  3. #3
    BgMc31's Avatar
    BgMc31 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks brotha!! I appreciate it. I'm going to follow your protocol, sounds pretty solid!

  4. #4
    mick86's Avatar
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    no worries, basically don't do anything that hurts, do as much as u can. Oh I also saw a physio weekly to keep massage and ultra sound to try to facilitate the muscle fibers healing smoothly.

    These days I'd also uses peptides to try to speed up the recovery process. ghrp-6, cjc-1295 and igf-1

    Injuries are a bitch, good luck with a speedy recovery.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sorry to hear that big guy. As said, take it easy and dont do anything that hurts. I would also get to the doctor to have a MRI or catscan done to see how much is torn. You dont want to be like Big and become MIA He tore his about a year ago now.

  6. #6
    BgMc31's Avatar
    BgMc31 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Got my results today from the MRI. Minor tear. I guess its considered a grade 3 (or 1 I can't remember, but the least severe). I gotta take about 2-3 weeks off from anything remotely heavy. I'm able to do pushups without any pain, but I have a very high pain threshold, so I'm just going to have to be patient. I'm going to just stick to pushups and high reps with just the bar for a couple weeks, then I'll add weight slowly. One things for sure, my squat and deadlift should go through the roof since they will be my focus. I've been focusing on my bench this year as I was very close to getting my 525 Raw bench back. But so goes life. Thanks for the input fellas.

  7. #7
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Do you have a comp coming up? Hope this doesn't interfere with that. Good luck.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  8. #8
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Got my results today from the MRI. Minor tear. I guess its considered a grade 3 (or 1 I can't remember, but the least severe). I gotta take about 2-3 weeks off from anything remotely heavy. I'm able to do pushups without any pain, but I have a very high pain threshold, so I'm just going to have to be patient. I'm going to just stick to pushups and high reps with just the bar for a couple weeks, then I'll add weight slowly. One things for sure, my squat and deadlift should go through the roof since they will be my focus. I've been focusing on my bench this year as I was very close to getting my 525 Raw bench back. But so goes life. Thanks for the input fellas.
    Good to hear it wasn't anything major.. hope you get better soon bro. take the time to enjoy the summer

  9. #9
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Tough break on the come back trail.

    For me...I would get a scan.

  10. #10
    dmk327 is offline Associate Member
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    I had a full pec tendon tear so I feel for ya bro. Good luck with everything and if you really need surgery get it or else you'll never feel better

  11. #11
    BgMc31's Avatar
    BgMc31 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfaust View Post
    Do you have a comp coming up? Hope this doesn't interfere with that. Good luck.
    Unfortunately I had two strongman contests coming up this month (one was this coming weekend in NM) and the other is at the end of this month in AZ. So those are on hold for now. I need to do at least one powerlifting and/or strongman comp before September so I can qualify for either the Olympia Strongman or the Olympia powerlifting comp. Hopefully I can rehab and get one in by August.

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Unfortunately I had two strongman contests coming up this month (one was this coming weekend in NM) and the other is at the end of this month in AZ. So those are on hold for now. I need to do at least one powerlifting and/or strongman comp before September so I can qualify for either the Olympia Strongman or the Olympia powerlifting comp. Hopefully I can rehab and get one in by August.
    Good luck with the rehab. Sounds like you might need some peptides to help promote the healing process? For the same issue I have also used DMSO and I believe it has helped to reduce inflammation, make it feel better and heal faster. I sue the DMSO gel with Aloe. If you have not used it just make sure you do some research first so you understand the do's and don’ts especially the cleanliness.

    I am the same way, high tolerance for pain but in cases like this that's a BAD thing because we tend to not feel or ignore what the body is telling us until it gets worse so use comon sense and dont try to push through the pain and make things worse.

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