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  1. #1
    ltruiz45 is offline New Member
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    Crazy pain and issue in chest/neck/shoulder pos WL and Surg

    I have had a distal clavicle resection back in 2009 and a labrum repair in my left shoulder in 2010. I have never been healthy and now I have a weird issue that no doctor can seem to diagnose and I have been to over3 sports medicine doctors and 3 Vascular Thoracic outlet surgeons and 2 nerve doctors. I have had myofascial release, ART and other deep tissue massages.

    No one seems to know what is going on but there is one thing that is obvious. My left side when I breath has a huge article that blows up in between my clavicle and through the neck. Also my left chest (pectorals) blow up large as well. When this happens my pulse literally stops and I have to re assess my shoulder girlde by tilting my shoulder forward and then lifting it up and pushing my scap anteriorly to let this go.

    Any type of exercise I do over head or to the side I can feel in the delto pectoral area stuff pulling (almost feels like tearing). When I shrug that mass the blows up in my chest/neck area will pop over my clavicle - as the clavicle rise it pushes against the mass and then eventually the mass willbe pushed below the clavicle and when lowering my clavicle down I have to move my shoulder girld in such a way that it allows me to move over the mass.

    I have had MRIS of my shoulder and chest and all has came back normal just with tendinosis of my supraspinatus and obvious surgical operations (mumford procedure and labral repair) - I am uploading some videos to perhaps see if anyone can see what this mass is.

    I have full range in neck so I doubt its a Scalenes and that is what the docs stated as well. I just dont know what else to do I am a PT student and have spent endless time at docs and no doc or teacher at my PT school seems to know!


    Please Help

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Strange but I dont think there is anyone who can tell you anything here. It's weird that a doctor can see what is going on though. You may have to get exploritory surgery done to see what it is.

  3. #3
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That sounds like a question left up to the MD.....sounds like you should ease up on the training, or stop altogether until you are properly diagnosed.

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