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  1. #1
    skinyboy is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008

    Beginners help needed Pct for a Simple cycle

    Ive been bodybuilding for years and have only dabbled with drugs in the past years ago but nothing consistent and I never did any PCT back then as I only took deca and sustanon a couple of times, but as far as this goes im am a beginner, there seems to be confusion in certain areas when it comes to pct drugs.

    I haven’t touched anything for years and im planning on doing a straight cycle of sustanon 250 for 6 to 8 weeks. With a jab a week. I have been dieting for a while and eating very clean, I look ok but I have lost so much size even though im eating all the time, probably due to my metabolism speeding up. So I really want to gain back some size and muscle with out getting fat again.

    What im really confused about is PCT,

    My dealer sells Nolvadex for bitch tits as they describe it, but is this suitable to use as a PCT alone and how much should I do, I have read lots of things on you should use HCG and you should use this and that but is it absolutely necessary some people say it is not. Where can I get HCG if I really need it and what do I do with it? All I want to do is come of the sustanon safely and to keep as much gains as possible.

    if i do the Nolvadex how much should I do and how long do i lay off everything before my next cycle.

    What is recommended PCT for this cycle, please could you give me some help. Im new to this.

    I need someone with a bit of experience to help me, you ask some of these guys in the gym and it’s a waste of time they do three cycles and they think they are experts, I just need a boast to my body and training and I want to be a sensible user. Everybody seems to concentrate on the main cycle, does that mean the PCT is not that important but isn’t it all important?

    And bitch tits doesn’t sound nice either, ive read a little into it but is that something that may be a problem on the cycle I have decided to do?

    As much help and opinions would be really appreciated.

  2. #2
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    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    20mgs nolva
    20mgs aromasin or .5mgs armidex
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

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